Today is November 23rd…and its about to pass like any other day.
My friend Jen came over a little while ago to help me with some fundraiser stuff. She is my go-to graphic designer, but also a rock of a friend who has been with us for many years. She shared an office with Vernon, after all…so she was deeply affected by his removal from life-as-we-knew-it. I suddenly remembered in the middle of our meeting that we should at least open a bottle of wine to celebrate the passage of this day. It’s the 18 month anniversary since the accident. I’m a big fan of the unbirthday, and a half year of anything has got to be marked.
What happens at 18 months? Well, the plan is still on for him to come visit on Thanksgiving. I’m mentally preparing for a whole new adventure of the wheelchair van. Eep! Its the first time his safety has been in my hands…but I’m trying not to be afraid and instead just feel excited!
After a phone call to the care home today, I was assured that yesterday’s news from the new ‘social worker’ was nothing to be worried over. Even the administrator didn’t know she was there, and the home had been receiving all sorts of complaints from family members after the weekend. So that was weird. But good now, I guess?
Anyway, thank you for sticking with our story for a whole year and a half. For all I know, one day we’ll look back and say these were merely the early days…
Here’s to another 18 months! If I know one thing is that I DON’T know where we will be then.
A very merry unbirthday to you, Vernon!
xx love to you all xx and a big “HI” to Jen
ps Allison package was posted yesterday for the fundraiser next month, so pleased to be a very small part of it xx xx
Hi back to you Vanessa!
Allison and Vernon,
A very happy unbirthday to you Vernon and also to you Allison. Still waiting on your blog to tell us all about Vern, Maki and Justine. We have learned so much about your family and how they stick together in times of need. Have a great Thanksgiving with Vern and the rest of your family.
Remember that when you get in trouble God is right there with you waiting to guide you to the next step. Aren’t we lucky that He doen’t let us know what is just around the corner? Just count on Him because when everybody leaves you He is there.
Becky Jones
Dear Allison,
Has been a moving experience to track with you via these blogs over these 18 months, a privilege and an inspiration to see into your heart this way.
I am Brenda’s cousin and I remember you so well from her wedding.
I can tell you that I have been honored to be your friend through this process. I’m grateful to watch how you embrace each day. And in the spirit of Thanksgiving, Vernon, I’m thankful for the progress you’ve made, and are making each day. I hope it is a wonderful day with your family!