There is so much to say about Vernon and the emotional roller-coaster of experiencing a loved-one’s illness/recovery. I run into widows and widowers who have had to learn to grieve fully and live a new singular life as often as I run into people who have miraculous stories, who have died and returned with a new lease on life. It’s so encouraging. I also have been running into people who can’t get over a wrong done/or something said to them years ago, and all I can see is the absurdity of attitudes that don’t want to move forward. It’s so annoying.
I’m presently processing a lot of thoughts like this, all due to this new perspective on life that Vernon’s story is allowing. But I’ll spare you my crazy mind and its workings-out and instead focus on a lovely story that happened the other day.
Two of Vernon’s friends (and mine!) came in the other day to play for him.
Gerry on the flute.
Joshua on the mandolin.
Here they are, sharing bluegrass stories with the respiratory therapist, who was doing all sorts of family name-dropping (none of which I’d ever heard before… but it was sweet to see the fascination-energy happening in passing.
We had a physical therapist come in for a bit and as the music was slightly loud (we loved it, but needed to focus for a bit) I asked if they would go play music to the man next door, who I’d just found was having dialysis done, but was very much awake.
How wonderful that there is so much love and joy to go around. People come to minister to their friend and it just spills over to strangers. I love that. Isn’t that the beauty of a full-life? The man next door, though he was in the hospital for only two days, had been having dialysis for 6 years and in his own words, “it sucks.” He told me later this was the best dialysis session he ever had.
The boys came back in later to us, by the way. This gives you an idea of what Vernon heard.
“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.”
I am so sorry Allison for what you’re going through!!! I can only imagine because my mom went through it, going through what you are going through, with myself: a traumatic brain injury is a difficult thing to conquer but with faith and persistence you will get through it!! I am and I will; with God all things are possible!!!
I love you sweet lady 🙂
Awesome!! Such a beautiful gift contributing to Vernon’s healing, and touching those around him at the hospital. May the blessings continue to abound!
Are you kidding? Nothing to be sorry for…for your mother or for me. Our lives have just begun, the perspective is amazing. Nothing makes you appreciate what you have like a loss or a near-loss. We are grateful …as I know your sweet mother is too. And you are a wonderful story that keeps unfolding…the best is yet to come, Natalie.
what a life you are living! continued hugs and prayers…
“Isn’t that the beauty of a full-life?” Mmhmm.
What a blessing it has been to follow your posts sweet Allison! Who’s the guy with the red beard? :o)— love you
He’s pretty cute, isn’t he?
People are praying for Vernon and you. So just stick by his side and God will be with you. One of the ladies has ask another group she meets with to pray for Vernon and you and the family.
Wow! That’s fantastic. Vernon will be so amazed when he realizes the amount of prayers lifted for him. Maybe he already knows? Thank you always, Becky. And thank your friend.
Oh I just Love these guys for doing this (and that)!! Making that other person have “the best” dialysis session ever – Yes that is what it is ALL about – small things matter – so often we hold back because our fear of the “whole picture” keeps us locked up in ourselves – and we think over and over “I can”t” – I said it once and I will say it again YOU DEAR ALLISON LIVE OUT LOUD and you and Vernon and your Precious family make a Huge difference in a whole lot of lives!! I Love You and I continue to Cheer before the Throne for more and more progress – and for musicians to continue to show up and Bless others – F A I T H – things hoped for – not yet seen……..
I have been following faithfully each day. I am encouraged not just to see the wonderful progress Vernon is making, but also to see your, faith and grace in living out this story. You are doing this so much better than any others I have seen, and I have seen quite a number over my years in nursing. May God continue to bless you and Vernon and the family, and give you strength. Hugs!
Thank you Barbara…that means a lot to me. That whole thing about staying in the moment gets a little trickier as things progress, but I know that has been a great strength (and practice) so far. A friend reminded me of that today as I started to express frustration with things that I really shouldn’t be thinking about at this point. It was helpful to remember to focus… xoxox
you both have some wonderful friends ..and the music is playing a big part with Verns healing ….. music has always been a big part of his life…. i know after all these weeks of being strong, sometimes there are “down” times, that is only natural Allison, part of your healing too… , sending you hugs, please give Vern a hug from me and tell him i love him xx
ps is the guy with the beard the guy we met when you, Justine and i were sat in the coffee shop,( i know we did a lot of that while i was with you!!) … had done some photos for him??
Yes, I agree…we’ve never had much money but we are zillionaires in friendships, and in the support of quality people—not that you could ever quantify that kind of wealth. We are truly blessed. Money can’t buy you love, right? 🙂
Not sure what you mean by the ‘down time’…do you mean I should be taking more breaks? I do try, I promise! Even went dancing the other night at a 50th birthday, it felt GOOD! But I didn’t go nuts and jump in to the pool fully clothed, like my crazy older friends. 🙂
Yes, you have likely met Josh. He actually played as part of a pair of ‘wandering minstrels’ at our wedding (Vernon’s idea to have minstrels, hehehe.) Your mom might remember… And yes, I returned the favor by taking pics at his beach wedding last year. So fun that you remember him. Of course he IS a memorable guy!
Not only am I glued to your daily posts for their healing powers but I don’t think I’ve EVER heard flute and mandolin together in such a bluesy, kick-*ss duo. Those two should take it to the masses. Such amazing healing powers being showered onto Vernon! I bet his body was doing all the movement he could!