A couple of months ago, in the midst of everything else going on here, my external hard-drive crashed. This is where I kept all the family photos from the past few years.
I know…I know…I should have had another backup, but I didn’t. It WAS my back-up in case the computer crashed. Lesson learned.
Fortunately, I had printed out many pictures over the years, but most of our photographic memories were in that box. Our years in England and then in California, the kids when they were younger, trips taken, mostly just random moments—being a photographer, I take a LOT of pictures. When it annoys my family, I just say: “One day, you’ll be glad to have the pictures!”
But to potentially lose all these in the midst of Vernon’s coma seemed an especially ironic blow.
The local computer repair store wasn’t able to retrieve anything, so they recommended me to a place in LA that would most likely be able to restore the data. It would be expensive and I’d have to send it off. This was about the time we were looking into long-term care centers for Vernon as far away as Downtown LA, so even the address hit a nerve with me.
Here was yet another parallel. Vernon’s brain, full of his own memories and emotions and general functions, had crashed. It had suddenly stopped working, almost out of the blue. And no matter how much I wanted the security that everything would be returned to normal, it was out of my control. We can hope and pray, and wait for word from the professionals, and hope and pray and wait some more. And that’s about it.
After a month, I still hadn’t heard from the Data Recovery People, and so I finally emailed them again. I had probably avoided contacting them before because I didn’t want to hear the worst: that somehow it had gotten lost in the post, and there was no drive for them to recover, if it was even possible. They responded quickly to my message, at least, telling me that my precious box had arrived but the order had got misplaced. (It was kind of them to offer free shipping…too bad I couldn’t get the hours of lost sleep back, right?)
Anyway… back to my parallels about Vernon floating out in perceived space, on his adventure back to whole and healthy life, this silly hard drive full of memories had become a real symbol. Somehow I decided that the return of the fixed drive would a kind of sign of Vernon returning to me with his mind renewed and complete. Like the dove that returns with an olive branch.
Apparently the damage was worse than I had anticipated (of the hard drive) but $600 later, a new drive with all my restored folders is being sent to me in the mail today. It’s expensive (to me) but also (to me) those files are priceless. And to add to the wonder of it all, the same day I got the bill, I also got a large check in the mail that covered the cost… a surprise residual check from episodes aired in 1996—that’s money owed me from 18 years ago! Will miracles never cease? (I hope not!)
I am on my way to the hospital after this post, but I must add one more thing. Yesterday, Vernon was more physically active than I have seen yet. He was turning his head and moving his left arm and leg a LOT. He was also smiling and beginning to nod ‘yes and no’ to some of my questions. Maybe the symbol of the hard drive coming back after so much concern and time is right-on, after all! The timing sure fits!
“That is why we are not discouraged. Though outwardly we are wearing out, inwardly we are renewed day by day.” 2 Corinthians 4: 16
I love this post so much! I too have experienced the same thing, total hard drive failure years worth of photos from a photog who likes to document everything, cost = 675.00 got 80% recovered. I was devastated at the lost, until my niece suffered her TBI then I realized its all small stuff. But losing photos??? I get it. I sit here in frustration facing the fact that my site along with hers has once again been hacked. I could attempt to scrap and rebuild with clean copies but I have grown weak in the past year or so. I even considered abandoning my blog. Life can feel so unfair (am I right?) I’m trying so hard to see the message here. So after much hair pulling and weeping, I picked myself off he floor and asked for help. I wonder how ridiculous it sounds when I pray for a clean blog. Well I found someone who can help (for a fee) I am going to suck it up and pay. Now if I could just get a residual check I’d be set. Keep looking for the silver lining Ally and I will too!
Ah Lindsey! Its nice to have someone sympathize, but I do wish that you didn’t have those problems. Boo hiss! Hope you get a windfall…out of nowhere! And big bummer about the hacker… Been following Lily’s story. Such an inspiration.
What wonderful news on so many levels! I love the scripture from Corinthians! Hugs and as always, prayers of thanksgiving!
Love you writing….esp today. Thanks and praise God.
so like God to give you money from 18 years ago! to cover your great need (not just a want, in my view) today. i hope i will be able to see you and vernon when i visit a week from this weekend – if he’s up for his Aunt Sue. . .
Alli, God certainly has a sense of humor yeah!
He’s never late, never early, but ALWAYS ON TIME!
So great to read this. Hugs to you both!
LOVED your post. I am overflowing with Praise to God who is intricately connected and concerned about all the details of our lives.
Wonderful, wonderful story!!!
such wonderful news from you today – let it continue! with hugs and prayers…
I know a place in Irvine that could recover your lost hard drive data…. And yes, I might be a tad pricey.
next time, Dave…though I hope there isn’t one. I have another friend who needs help though…
Allison, there is nothing more precious than photos! I love your analogy and how you always relate the daily activities to the bigger picture, yes God is always working in your life and you see it! In the midst of the darkness you are experiencing miracles of God in your life!
On another note…I’ve experienced the big crash twice and it is AWFUL! My ISP is Cox, (Yes, I have a love/hate relationship with Cox), and both times they recovered all my files and photos!!! The first time they did it for free! The second time it was $100. I now pay an annual subscription to Carbonite because I never want to experience the “Big Crash” ever again!!!
I’m thrilled to read this news of Vernon’s continued improvement and the restoration of the precious data from your hard drive…I’m wearing such a big grin right now, just thinking about this Divine analogy. Thanking God for His blessings, promises of hope and responses to our prayers!!
you are such a strong person ..all the “things” you are going through, your writing is amazing, you are amazing … so pleased you have your memories, your photos, and Vern is slowly regaining his xx much love to you all xx
ps Lewis wants me to say ~ he knows how you feel .. his computer crashed a few weeks ago..and they couldn`t recover any of his data… he was very grown up about it (well he is 10 now !!).. but then again it was just game data and youtube!! xx love you Dee Dee xx
Just wonderful…in so many ways. Love you
“will miracles never cease? I hope not”……….and I hope not too, Allison. I love how God does the things He does………I love this writing & all your writings. I am praising God with you for all that He has done…….the lost photos restored……the finances provided (from 18 yrs past)…..and Vernon’s responses!!!!!
Years ago (maybe 1974, there was a huge fire here in SC. some homes burned to the ground. I’ll never forget Ruth’s respond as we were packing up some things from her home as they were telling her to evacuate……….”take all the picture albums because they can’t be replaced……everything else (the stuff) can be replaced!” (this of course was before computers storing pics, etc) But she knew what was valuable!!! MEMORIES!
Allison! You’re a writer. I don’t know what to say, it seems that your stories, born in a dramatically heavy situation, give me strengh and love and wisdom and even pleasures! I never commented again since the beginning, because I didn’t know your family, I didn’t want to repeat myself or ‘disturb’ in any way. But I want you to know that I am always looking forward to reading your updates, I’m enjoying your way to explain things and come to a conclusion, I sometimes even feel bad about enjoying something that is based on suffering, although I know that this is even beautiful and that I would like to get a message like this, being in your situation. Thank you Allison for what you share, for the english you are teaching me and for the hope you are giving. May the signs never end. Sending you all my love, Nicole
You have always been a supportive friend, from our earlier IG connection. Thank you for your encouragement even BEFORE I really needed it. And thank you for it again now. What beautiful and uplifting words. xoox