Tonight’s theme song brought to you by Blondie:
So guess who called me today? Or maybe I should rephrase that. Guess who I spoke with on the phone?
I know! Can you believe it?
On Wednesdays I don’t go to Brea, so Pilar, the speech therapist called to say Vernon had been very talkative with her this morning and that he would like to talk to me on the phone. I certainly didn’t know what to expect when she put the phone to his mouth, but we almost had a conversation. I couldn’t understand much but I could HEAR him…and he did respond audibly to my questions. It was very sweet and such a surprise after the sluggish last few days.
Especially because I did understand the “Bye. I love you.” at the end.
What a remarkable moment.
You can call me anytime, Darling.
*So* cool.
Brings a tear to my eye!! How touching!
Tears…. Happy tears
What a wonderful belated birthday present to you! Made me giggle down deep! We keep praying every morning.
Sooo awesome Allison!!! Hope and expectation for more to come!!!!!!
Now we’re talking!!!What a great Birthday and Anniversary gift! You must be over the moon. I know I was when I heard the good news! Love you dear Allison
Yay !!! Our God is so GREAT!!
OH MY GOSH!!!! Wonderful! Happy tears! We prayed last night for more forward momentom! That we can see Vernon walking through the door smiling one day soon! Wow! A phone call! To me that is A BIG STEP FORWARD! Thank you God! Bless you Vernon and your hard work 🙂 I’m so happy for you Allison! Just wonderful! xo
What an incredible blessing ! So happy 🙂
This is so wonderful! Especially after the quiet Sunday visit. So glad for you!!
How wonderful!
God is good and keeps answering prays for you. How great to hear his voice. Our Bible Study started on Tuesday and I put Venon and the family on the pray list. These are real pray warriors. Am glad about his wanting to talk to you.
Yes!!!!! So excited for you.
What wonderful progress, wonderful news!
So awesome! I pray for you all often, and it’s so good to get good news!
The best phone call ever! Hallelujah!
YAY❤️Happy Anniversary
Happy , happy news!! … this must be one of your best phone calls ever.. wonderful news, i hope you will have many more, especially on the days you cannot be with Vern xx love to you both xx
ps as you know the nurse put the phone to verns ear the other evening for me just to say “hello”, he has an amazing team around him, how thoughtful they are xx
Allison, that is so wonderful! Great news! ❤️❤️❤️
What a HUGE surprise for you!!! He’s fighting to
get better again!!!! Bravo!! Vernon!!!
Barbara Mitchiner
WOW! when you picked up the phone you had no idea!!!
whoooo hoooooo!!!!! <3
I rejoice with each step forward. Keeping you in prayer.