My friend Norm, who has survived cancer and knows about the patience that comes with recovery, has on occasion offered this wise statement about Vernon’s progress:
“It’s like watching an apple grow.”
Apparently that is what his own doctor had said to him. What more specific thing could he have said? There is no time frame to project. Each patient is a different case. We just know its a process…and it seems much slower to those with their eyes glued to the patient.
We could use so many other idioms. Like watching paint dry. Like watching a pot boil. The list goes on…
But I like this apple idea because eventually there is FRUIT at the end of the waiting. Something sweet, nourishing, bright, solid. Something worth waiting for.
Because I see Vernon so often, I don’t appreciate the changes as much as those who maybe haven’t seen him for a few weeks. And it’s so encouraging to hear things from their view. He is moving so much more now. He is much more alert. His movements seem more fluid. Etc.
Back to the apple. Its so good to know we have something to look forward to when the time comes. And there is beauty at every turn. But it is also key for my family to keep their eyes on the other parts of the garden. There are other trees to attend to in the family’s plot: school, work, friendships, spiritual life, creative-expression, physical health, laughter, tears, bills and finances. In some ways having the heavier routine of September life makes watching Vernon’s apple tree that much easier. But no doubt about it, compared to the speed in which we generally live life: his process is slooooooooooow!
A new update for today: Last night Vernon was transferred to St Jude’s Hospital in Fullerton to get another surgery…this time to replace the dialysis catheter. His white blood cell count has been high again and they found an infection in this tube. This isn’t the first time it will have to be replaced…I guess having extra holes punched into your body is an invitation for viruses, the longer they are there. I understand the procedure will happen tomorrow morning. I will be going up tomorrow but I am told he will be there for a few days. Who knows…maybe he will go back to Kindred and find he gets a new roommate…which is what he wanted.
There is always a silver lining.
A drawing I did when I was 20 (found in the depths of my parent’s garage.) Its been sitting by the rubbish bin, a bit too large to fit. So before I finally throw it out, I’ll give it a last life as part of a blog post. An APPLE…I knew it was waiting for something. 🙂
BTW, it is apple season. Beautifully written, Allison, and don’t throw the painting!
I agree with Sue. Much love to you!!! Praying!
A wonderful application to make. We will just keep praying for all of you family and stay by your side thru this. Our God is so awsome and He does a lot for everybody. So just stick by his side.
Awesome perspective, Allison. If I’m not mistaken, Scripture applauds weakness, which can be the golden door to a new kind of strength and life. If that’s the case, I say, “Survival of the weakest!” Godspeed your way and the wherewithal to live/love day by day, in the moment.
What a good drawing of an apple! Its so shiny. Yes it was waiting for its moment. Youre tending very well to all the trees, even though some of those everyday cares you have are much more complicated than just a bit of watering once in a while. I dont think I told you about when Maki was litte and invented the Word “fling”. (I dont know if he remembers, ask him) He would say the Word and then suddenly we found we were there, transported to NeXT week visiting someone, or to 6 oclock at night when kids TV started, or to anything else he looked forward to. Often in the car he would go “fling”, and later in the day he would say, “here we are, it worked, I said “fling”.
You almost need to say “fling” (a click With the fingers go With it). You will suddenly find yourself at the point where you want to be. Its a bit scary (and not at all like that film With the Remote Control that Works on everything). Youre not skipping over anything, just picturing that moment that will come, and then youre going on living until its there. Magic! x
What a great story about “fling” …I like that idea. Will ask him tonight.
Beautiful, Allison.
prayers on the surgery!
(l am a friend of Vanessa, and knew ,Vern when he was a teenager)
Allison, you are doing a wonderful job, just being there. He will get stronger each day, l know its a long process, but like your friend Norman says, day by day….
Thank you Tanya! That is kind of you to drop by and say hello. Thanks for your encouragement. Now…if you only had pics of Vernon when he was a teenager! I think I’ve seen two in my life (guess we are making up for it now…poor guy!) 🙂
Love the apple analogy and your painting. The timely discovery and use of the painting is another piece in the mosaic of this season of your life. Inspiring and comforting to see the design progress in the hands of God.
I’m praying for Vernon. And for you…life is so full of so many little battles. It can be overwhelming! I’m grateful God promises to work ALL THINGS together for Good for those who love Him. Vernon will get a “better fit” of a roommate! Praying for God to encourage and Heal Vernon! I love you guys! K
Don’t throw it out. Not rotten.