These are the words that greeted me as I entered St. Jude’s hospital in Fullerton this morning. What could be more comforting? I hope this unexpected trip to another hospital for a procedure does give Vernon some respite and rejuvenation. If nothing else than by removing the source of his latest infection.
It felt a little strange walking through the halls of a proper hospital again, and what a luxury for him to get his own room. Someone kind had though ahead to bring a few family pictures from his Kindred wall and tape them up in this new space….even though he would stay there such a short time.
The procedure was relatively quick, done at bedside. I realized how desensitized I’d become by being able to watch closely and curiously as the doctors poked and prodded and removed the dialysis catheter, which connects down to the heart. When it was out, they bandaged up the hole. And he will have a little break till tomorrow, when he is returned to the Rehab Hospital (Kindred) and a new catheter will be inserted. In the meantime, they will be running blood cultures and hoping to stop the infection as it is.
I am thankful that he is being tended to whenever a new problem comes up. My hope is that he will be rested and restored enough to work toward physical and mental recovery stronger than before. Rest well tonight, Vernon. Enjoy the little break. We know you’ll be fighting again soon!
“Come to Me, all ye who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
continued prayers…
Prayers…sending Love to you dear Vernon! Love you Alli, Maki and Justine!
Continued prayers and hugs!
Sending Love and Prayers for healing, encouragement, hope and progress in all areas being lifted up to HE who is able……
Allison, keep strong and rely on the safety in the care Vernon is receiving. Continued prayers, my dear. And always love being sent your way.
Prayers continue for each of you and your doctors.
…continued prayers,hope & faith!