I think these notes must have been left up on Vernon’s room-board from a few days ago because as far as I understand, several of these things have already changed. First of all, he wasn’t discharged in 1-2 days, and it is certain (not just possible) that he will have a Quinton (temporary) catheter placed in his chest tomorrow.
Apparently, the idea was to change out the dialysis catheter, where the latest infection had been found, and if all was clear, virus wise, he would be transferred back to Kindred and get a new tube placed there. But MRSA virus was discovered and that is serious enough for the hospital to keep an eye on longer. Now Vernon already had experienced this in his sputim (phlegm) a couple of months ago, but that is under control. The hospital needs to make sure that the virus is treated while he is still there.
Dialysis patients are 100 times more likely than the general population to contract the MRSA so it isn’t a huge surprise that he has gotten sick this way. Unfortunately, this week’s procedure and testing/waiting for results has kept Vernon from getting the dialysis he needs every other day. So today when I saw him, he had a double dose of illness in his body: the virus as well as being filled with toxins that have not been dialyzed. Needless to say, he was not feeling well. He was unfocused and very tired.
He will be getting a temporary catheter put in tomorrow (a more permanent one will be placed when the infection is gone) so that he can receive dialysis again. I know that will be a relief for him, but the staff tells me that it will take a few more rounds of the process before he feels more like himself (less toxic) again.
I write this as a journal but also as a means to update the people who care about Vernon and our family. He needs your prayers…yet again. It seems I’ll just keep asking until this is over. Thank you, as always, for lifting him up in love. Medicine isn’t the only way to bring healing.
That’s right, medicine isn’t the only way to heal. God is bigger than MRSA. When I hear of seemingly discouraging news, I want to ask God “WHY daddy?”
Maybe because the bigger the obstacle, the bigger the miracle and that leads to a bigger story. I’m praying for Vernon and you….for fresh winds of encouragement and double portions of stamina. This is a l
I care about Vernon, you and your family. I’m praying fervently!
Praying….it is a Pleasure and a JOY to Pray for Vernon and for you…..Let HOPE and HEALING RISE dear LORD…..heal and restore..and let Vernon come around this corner speaking clearer, feeling stronger – Speak to HIM as only you can Lord…bring comfort, peace and healing….restore HIM Lord as we know that you can………we ask for a Miracle LORD…….!! Ephesians 3:19,20
Standing with you…raising hearts and hands up to our Lord…..I am so sorry he is sick……..
An honor to pray…..and I do!
Be well Allison…….you will never believe what you can take, and what you can do…….especially when you ask God to go along. loves
Just want you to know that we are praying for you and Vernon. We get reminders from Steve and Karen Moore about how you are doing. Stay strong in the Lord and throw yourself on His mercy and grace in discouraging times.
I am so glad this blog is here, so you can use it as a journal, and keep everyone in touch. Hospital is the good Place to get the bugs and infections treated, and Vernon will Catch up With training as soon as he is better. Thinking of you and sending lots of love Your way. Big hug
definitely praying for healing for Vernon!!!!……..can’t find words to share here, but KNOW I am indeed praying for you, dear lady and for all your family. May you feel the Lord’s comfort & love surrounding you today!
Yes, praying for his healing and for you and the kids!
Prayers on going. For you and youts.
Still here. Still reading. Still praying. Still caring. You are never far from my thoughts! Believing in healing and miracles! ❤️
poor vernon… nothing is easy for him! continued prayers…
Praying! Sending much love to you and Vernon. MRSA be GONE!!
Allison, we keep praying you and Vernon and your family through this. I will notify our “prayer warriors” at church, we love you and care.
We will be in South. California about the 14th or 15th of October and if the time is right for you, maybe we can give you a hug in person.
In the meantime, consider yourself hugged.
That would be wonderful to hug you and Wolfgang in person, Ingrid. I look forward to it. Thank you for all your cards and encouragements…from you as well as your church!
We will not get tired of praying, because you never get tired. Keep the faith, God is with you all, esp Vernon. He is in control.
this journal keeps us all focused on what to say to God when we pray and talk to him …..i hope Vern got the dialysis he needed, and he will soon be strong enough to return to his rehabititation programme.
Love to you all, thinking about, and praying for my brother xx
Thanks Vanessa…I know your thoughts are always with us…especially him. I think he is getting this all out of his system so he is in tip top shape when you come to visit next month. xoxx PS when I called this morning, all had gone well and he was having dialysis. I’ll check in again tomorrow.
We have been keeping Vern and you in our prayers daily. Along with a bunch of other ladies that I communcate with.
You and Vern and family are in our thoughts and prayers daily.
God be with you all.