“If we become increasingly humble about how little we know, we may be more eager to search.” John Templeton
Oh! This week, this weekend. I think its been the hardest one for me yet.
I am totally fine about Maki having a fun slumber party, remembering to pay my bills, getting the kids to school more-or-less on time, making an unbalanced dinner, applying mascara, finishing photos for clients, whatever makes life feel normal is good. Or if I’m honest: whatever makes me feel in some control (and/or even helpful) is good. I had a photo client cancel a shoot because she was feeling bad for me, and I thought…ok, I can see why you don’t trust me right now, I probably do look crazy; but truthfully, most of these projects give me a sense of normalcy, which may be worth more than the money earned.
So…it’s been a tough week. I think I said that before. Vernon has had some good days, which made me fall in love again with him: his amplified self, his humor, his British charm, and his “I-sound-and-look-like-an-old-man-but-really-I’m-more-modern-than-anyone-you-know” -ness. (That may or may not be a new thing, I can’t remember.)
Here is a sweet, sleeping Vernon. Isn’t he the most gorgeous thing? Lately he has been a bit more sedated so he doesn’t crawl out of his room. I agreed at first that this was probably a smart thing, for his own protection…especially as I can’t be there for 12 hours a day to make sure he doesn’t try to escape. But to see him like this up till noon today, it broke my heart. I know his agitation is annoying to the staff, but he needs to be ready to do physical therapy…when it is approved, that is. And he was in no state for PT this morning… I was happy to hear it wasn’t arranged till after Dialysis this afternoon. None of this feels right.
I’m so confused lately. My gut tells me that something is wrong here. I feel like we have been dropped into Mexico (which is an interesting country in itself, filled with beautiful people…but it has completely different rules and a different language, even than the version many of us took three years of in high school.) The medical world seems to only be understood by people in the field and even then, most of them seem to just shrug when I ask questions…because it keeps changing. It’s a business.
How do I learn the language and who do I find that can coyote us back to the right place? This is an analogy, by the way. Everyone here speaks English to me. Its just that I know so little of the medical world. Who do I learn the language from? Suddenly we are in the land of bureaucracy and background checks and signatures. When Vernon was fighting for life, it was amazing…I have no complaints. I do know that we have been saved some 4-million dollars (WHAT? is that a number I ever thought I would throw around so casually?) through medical insurance. I can’t be more grateful…but now that he is surviving, now that he is less acute. I feel that we have been dropped by helicopter into a wilderness with smiling people who mean well but have their hands tied behind them.
So you can see that by ten days into this plan, still not assured that Vernon has physical or speech therapy (though I am told over and over again that our insurance is the best one for our situation…) I’m a little frustrated. My pastor told me early on in this journey that I should trust my gut…that that is where God speaks to me. I feel that my gut was left behind somewhere and I’m trying to find it again. Has God left me? I don’t think so. So why do I feel this way? Do I have the energy to figure this out. Not really.
But that doesn’t matter. No one else is going to. So…I have to learn Spanish and get moving.
This post is getting a little long. And I haven’t even said what I thought I would. Time to turn it around.
At least he looks peaceful (at noon!) I know that is what I want for him in the nighttime, but not at 11 am, when I’ve got two kids to school, made three breakfasts and a lunch, paid some bills, worked out (on a luxury-day), and driven 45 minutes just to see him. This is not on.
I have more I wanted to record from this weekend, but I can feel this getting long already…
Like I said before, it was a tough weekend. I had two friends visit yesterday. The first, when she asked me, after seeing me get detached and weepy: “Have you been taking your medication? (I’ve been on antidepressants for 13 years, give or take some months,) I shouted at her: “DON’T TELL ME TO TAKE MY MEDICATION!”
Oh dear. Even as I said it, the adult in me shrunk back in embarrassment. If ever there was a moment for the candid camera to be poised. That sounds exactly what someone who hasn’t been taking medication would say. Oops. Crazy alert!
Even though I knew better, I continued: “Don’t tell me how important it is to take care of myself! I’m so tired of people telling me to take care of myself! No one even knows what they are talking about. Give it a rest!”
Yes, I’m the Crazy Friend, apparently. Fortunately she didn’t disown me but came back later with a bottle of wine….and also a days of the week ‘vitamin’ pack to tuck into my handbag.
To be continued…
Oh honey..thank you for writing down the pain you are in. I/we your loves ones want the truth-want to be in the trenches with you.
We won’t let you and Vernon be alone in this battle!
I’m praying for red tape to be cut!! Oh Lord Have Mercy! Vernon and Allison need help now Jesus!
Allison, remember I/we are here…let me know how I can help. I love you!
I wish so much I could be there to give you some support. All I can do is tell you that not a day passes when you are not in my thoughts. Also you should know that I love crazy 😉
I am so sorry you have had such a tough time recently (tougher than most it seems.) Just remember that as a nurse and a case manager I would be happy to tutor, interpret, or help guide you through any of the medical chaos. Really do call anytime. Praying for you all!
You’re pretty amazing! May God continue to bring people to encourage you. Amen
Oh Allison, I can feel your pain and struggle leaping off of the pages. How frustrated you must be. I enjoyed talking with you last night and look forward to visiting with you soon. Much love-Alannah
Oh sweet Ali I hear the pain and sadness, the frustration and madness of it all and cry along with you as I sit on a plane ready to take me back to California. The guys next to me must think I’m nuts. Who cares. I wish I could be there right now to hold you or just pour u a glass of red or bring u a nice hot tea while u get to vent to your hearts delight!! None of this is fair. Life isn’t. It really sucks sometimes. Thank you for sharing your heart as I now know how to pray- God bless the people working with Vern. Let them use Allison’s language. Bring peace and clarity in this storm. I pray for huge breakthroughs in his progress. The kind that give us huge arms of hope to hang on. And be with my friend and her family and they journey on towards health and normalcy.
Love you more today than yesterday!!
Hi! Allison I was so touched by you sharing the reality of your struggle. I want to let you know I love you and Vernon and feel blessed to know you. As I was reading what you wrote the phone rang. It was a pastor friend of mine a very special kind of Christian guy. We prayed for you and it might sound silly but I felt Jesus had set it all up reminding me once again that I can pray!Even though I was feeling helpless to do anything for you and he! This is not an exhortation to pray especially not for you,but a gentle squeeze from our Lord to let me know how much He loves you and Vernon and with that I have a sort of special peace. Many folks in the body of Christ that you may never meet here on earth are sharing your burden! Again love you and Vernon your one of a kind people so glad to know you!
You are definitely not a crazy person, you’re going through a really, really tough journey right now. No one but God can truly ‘get’ the full extent of what you’re dealing with, but know that a lot of us care and are carrying you in our prayers. We can do the praying for you when you’re too tired.
I’ve experienced something of the medical system as a patient, and can relate to how exhausting and frustrating it can be to negotiate…you really do have to advocate for yourself, and that can be wearing. It can feel like a full time occupation! I’m asking the Lord to give a big nudge to those responsible for arranging the PT, and that Vernon will be making strides (literally!)…xo
Dear Allison,
You are allowed to scream at your friends after all you have been thru. Good friends always come back and yours brought wine..she is a one of your best friends. All we can do from here is to just ask for God’s blessing for both you and Vernon and your family.
Thanks so much for letting us know how things are going.