Perhaps I just needed to get a few frustrations off my chest in last night’s post in order to see more clearly again. Because today, I was able to recognize improvements in Vernon.
Justine has been able to accompany me on visits more frequently, and I can see that their relationship is strengthening. He is much more engaged with her than he was even a couple of weeks ago. She keeps trying to get him to make up songs (her favorite new hobby) and today, she even got him to attempt a game of catch with a soccer ball. It didn’t go well, but it happened!
A high point today: Vernon going over Justine’s folder of take home work from her year Pre-K year so far. It was almost like they were sharing a moment that could have been at home.
I think he looks much more steady and focused. (My videography skills, not so much.)
Vernon told us a story about how some little girl had given him a pair of socks this morning with his name on them. He kept saying how weird it was that she knew his name. I was sure he was fantasizing again.
But then when an aide moved him from his lounger to a wheelchair, a pile of socks fell out….all with his name on them. Apparently some school children had come by to sing carols in the morning and had given everyone socks as gifts. That put me in my place!
I already mentioned Justine trying to get her dad to make up songs with her. The other day, he sang Christmas Day, Christmas Lunch on repeat for a a few bars, which was pretty impressive at the time. But today, he broke out with his own version of The Little Drummer Boy.
Progress indeed!
Maybe he’ll be ready to have a go at Monday Morning Karaoke soon. Anything is possible…Vernon is proving that for sure!
Lovely! Maki sais hi. He has no Internet, I have a little on my phone as we are on the summer house on the beach. We have just been to a food marked in the park. Maki has had a sore throat but its all good now. He impressed me with some climbing the other day. He is just like Spider-Man climbing upside down in the roof. He is also played a lot of cards with his cousin. Lots of love to you all from all of us. X
Am so glad that Vernon is showing improvement. There will always be rough times and good times. This is a good quote “God Never Promised the Absence of Storms in Our Life. But He Does Promise to Walk with Us Through Them. I firmly believe that this quote is true.
I am impressed that vernon could come up with the word candy for The C letter. It reminds me of kindergarten at OCCS when I had the student’s gluing macaronis on letters of the Self Pronouncing Alphabet that I had dyed with food coloring and rubbing alcohol. They should hire Justine to do the music therapy for Vernon. He is being creative and engaging well with Justine. We all continue to pray and we trust that The Lord will lead you and cause good things to come to your family. Many are holding you up in prayer. Your blogs keep you on our minds and in our prayers.
Love, from your Kindergarten teacher
just priceless Allison … just warms the heart from start to finish.. Vern and his special “little” girl,their relationship strengthening… making up songs together …such tenderness and connection.
amazing, creative school book Justine, how grownup you have become ..mummy and daddy must be so proud of you xx as are we, your aunt Vanessa and uncle Paul and your cousins Aaron and Lewis xx
big hugs and kisses to you all