“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”

Susan Logie texted me first thing this morning, telling me she was willing to sit with Vernon if I needed help. I was thrilled as the last few days have really stretched me out, and I needed a break to work on some personal things (…and simply, recover.) The timing couldn’t have been better. I’m so thankful for her kindness and also the kindness of every person who has volunteered to sit with him in Dialysis or simply visit him at the Care Home as they can.



Susan sent me this photo from their time together. She said he loved the story. And the nurse commented on how still and comfortable he seemed.  They got through three chapters and she put it in his duffel bag in case anyone else wants to read to him.  I’m looking forward to my Friday time a little more now. I love Peter Pan too…pure magic!


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