As expected, it was a long day that started earlier than usual. I won’t go into it all. Vernon followed directions very well, and though I was out in the hall for the CT scan (with contrast.) I heard he was very receptive to the procedure, even remembering the doctor’s name on the way out. Hopefully, this will offer some easy answers to Vernon’s edema. One of the technicians later on relayed that Vernon had put on 3 kilos (6.6 lbs) of fluid since yesterday. I am also concerned that the swelling of his neck and throat will be problematic for his swallow study on Thursday.
Dialysis was hard, as he’d already been out for awhile. He was either fixated on getting a drink of water or convincing me to take him home in my car—the usual obsessions., but I notice they are becoming more intense by the day. But he has been very sweet and loving to me lately, repeating how he loves me and reaching for my hand. And today we had this conversation:
“When I go home, we can make our marriage better.”
“Oh? What do you think needs to get better in our marriage?”
(An army of creepy dialysis machines, poised for world domination.)
PS Today, I am grateful for my friend Nicole who drove down from LA to sit with me at the hospital (and then dialysis) just so I wouldn’t have to be alone.
so pleased all went well for you both yesterday (today your time)..was thinking about you both all day and in the night .. so positive that Vern wants to hold your hand ..must be so frustrating for your both that he keeps asking to come home and ofcause asking for water .. very normal things when you think about it??
xx love to you both , and maki and justine xx
Wonder what all those machines were doing outside? They do look a little sinister, don’t they? “You will be dialycized!” [Made-up word for a made-up situation] Vernon’s marriage comment sounds like Chesterton’s reply to a writer. ‘Dear Sir: Regarding your article ‘What’s Wrong with the World?’ I am. Yours truly,’ Thank you once again for your consistent open-heart sharing.
So glad that your friend was with you during today’s MRI and other test that Vern needed to take for both of your benefit. Still praying for Vern and you. I don’t know who needs it worse. Maybe you because of all the things that you are required to do. And God did children two parents so I know that you are having a hard time getting through all of this. You can become more equipped to be a good care giver. Just trust in yourself and go from there.