  1. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.


‘Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.’  –Ian Maclaren


This is a photo of David, who works the coffee cart in the main lobby of the hospital. Not only does he make a mean soy cappuccino, but he takes his position seriously as someone there to care…an empathetic ear to whomever comes through his queue.  People are coming into the hospital all day, every day, for all reasons, but each with a story that is more important to them at that moment than anything else. Some are coming in to deliver a new baby, some are coming in to say their last goodbyes.  The patients may be the ones receiving medical attention, but the families are usually in need of comfort too.

I get this sense every day as I go to the hospital, that the nurses are there to take care of Vernon AND me, and they seem to do it joyfully.  Every person who works in this hospital seem to take their (sometimes small-seeming) jobs as opportunities to be kind to people who are truly fighting a personal battle (or celebrating a victory!) And I’m sure they often make a big difference.  Oh, what an example they are.  If we could all live with that mentality all the time, not just in the hospital, can you imagine?

There are no small players. Even the parking lot rises to the occasion: as you drive in, there is a sign that reads “PEACE TO WHO ALL WHO COME HERE” and a sign on the way out that reads “PEACE BE WITH YOU.”


As for Vernon, the wires were taken out of his jaw this evening.  Hopefully, the staff will be able to give us more information tomorrow on infections and how they will treat them.  Not always interesting news for the blog…nor are the legal issues I am startling to tackle.  Maybe by the end of this, I’ll feel like a real live ADULT. And Vernon will move around like one!


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