The kids and I were on our way to visit Vernon after church this morning when Mesa Verde called with the news that he was on his way to the hospital again, this time due to his complaints of severe pain around his G-tube. “What do you think, kids?” I asked. “What do you want to do? Should we still go visit him for Easter?” Maki shook his head no. He didn’t want to get stuck there all day at the hospital. So we made a u-turn and they were dropped off at my parents’ house, where my mom would make them a nice lunch and hide my stash of plastic eggs in the garden.
Apparently he’d been complaining about the pain for a few days, but today it had got so bad, the nurses couldn’t get near enough to feed him food, water, or his multiple meds. It seemed a small thing to go to the emergency room for, when many people there are suffering so much more, but I suppose this tube is part of his life support, so it can’t be taken lightly.
Though he was out of sorts when I first arrived, he was in a good mood, actively squirming around his bed and the mattresses on his floor. (Joe tells me he has crawled as far as the hallway sometimes.) Considering he doesn’t receive physical therapy in any way, I can’t help but applaud his exercising efforts. At least he is moving.
Anyway, at Hoag he was eventually able to receive a strong pain killer and have his tube flushed out. The waiting wasn’t so bad either, because he was so conversational and connected. I took a lot of videos, and I’ll share some of them here.
Concerning the accident (which he lately we have been able to discuss without with out his getting angry) Vernon seemed to have some memory. This is new.
We had lots of conversations about his family, the first band he remembered liking (the JAM), which friends had visited him (he was very curious over this one and wanted a list of names), he even apologized for being in a coma for so long. I don’t know how coherent he is about everything, he still goes in and out, but he made pretty consistent sense today. I’m glad I recorded some of it, or I might have have forgotten too. Here is my favorite:
And here is a special message from Vernon to you!
Beyond chocolate,my friends, may you experience new awakening in your own hearts this season. Happy Easter!
HAPPY HAPPY EASTER DEAR BROTHER …. and a big thank you for our video that Allison sent to us ..hope you are feeling better today ..and the pain has gone ..i must get a video to you soon via skype, once i get us all together ….
ps i am so pleased everyone enjoyed their chocolate and gifts, Allison..really , really must skype again soon xx
Allison, you made my day with these videos! Thank you so much my lovely! Thank God for the progress that of Vernon’s health and wellbeing! You’re a fantastic and strong person! I love you loads! Happy and blessed Easter to y’all xxxxx
You step one step forward and then 2 steps back. Hoag is a great hospital when you need one and thank the Lord that is there for Vernon. The feeding tube will always show up as a problem as long as he has to have it. He seemed so with you and wishing everyone a happy Easter that was great. Our son broke his leg last week and my husband is going in for a outpatient surgery on Wednesday. So keep our family in your prayers.
Prayers for you all. Thanks for keeping us informed.