by Chris Adams | Jun 6, 2014 | Day by Day, Uncategorized |
“It’s a marathon, not a sprint” is one thing we have heard often in the SICU. It couldn’t be more true. Vernon is running the race of a lifetime.
The dialysis has been successful removing a portion of the fluid that has built up in Vern’s system, however they still need to pull off a lot more. His kidney function is slightly better but still extremely poor.
They have also determined his gall bladder wall is thickened which is indicative of an infection. They will be installing a catheter into the gall bladder tomorrow morning.
They are constantly doing loads of tests and reviewing numbers but the long and the short of it is he needs to release fluid. Through dialysis or through urination.
He is stable and they are weening him off of the nitrous and oxygen as his lungs clear up.
Keep praying for his kidney function to return.
by Chris Adams | Jun 4, 2014 | Day by Day, Uncategorized |
Vernon responded well to the Dialysis and they are planning to continue treating as needed. His kidney’s are still not doing their job. His oxygenation was very low before the initial Dialysis and is now back into a good range. The mood is much better in the room today and although they said he is not out of the woods yet, he isn’t necessarily heading deeper into them at this point.
by Chris Adams | Jun 3, 2014 | Day by Day, Uncategorized |
Earlier today the nursing staff and doctors noticed Vernon was not releasing liquids. They have done a few tests and as it turns out his kidneys have stopped working. They said this is most likely due to injuries suffered in the accident or the high powered antibiotic they are treating him with (or a combination of both).
They are taking him off one of the antibiotics and they are putting him on dialysis immediately.
I’m not a doctor but my understanding is that they are essentially cleaning his blood through the dialysis machine and pulling liquid out of the blood which in turn should reduce the amount of liquid built up in the lungs.
Please take some time to pray for our good friend Vernon tonight.
– Chris
by Chris Adams | Jun 2, 2014 | Day by Day, Uncategorized |
So on a normal day anyone of us might be Chilling with Vern, but as of this morning we are simply Chilling…Vern.
So many of you have probably heard that Vernon has had a bit of a fever over the past 24-48hrs. Allie asked me to throw up a quick post with some information on how they are managing it.
The fever has been reduced from a high of 101.5f with a mix of ice baths, tylenol and other cold water/air treatments.
To explain a bit more in detail. They want to cool Vernon’s core but keep him from shivering. How do they do that?
Underneath this blanket he has the Arctic Sun cold air pads on his legs and chest which circulate cold water (around 40 degrees f) around his body.
Then they keep the Equator (Snuggle Warm) air blanket over his body to keep the external body from shivering. So a mix of cold for the core and warm for the external comfort.
The result of this and Tylenol…99.7f for now and dropping.
by Chris Adams | May 29, 2014 | Day by Day, Uncategorized |
Just a quick update on Vernon’s arm surgery.
In short, it went very well. Vernon’s ICP (intracranial pressure) remained manageable and the nurse was very happy with his response to the surgery. The left arm was repaired and shouldn’t require any additional procedures in the short term. The picture below is an quick exam of his right arm that looks fine.