Midnight Run

Midnight Run

When you’re running, after a while you feel a burning in your legs. This is lactic acid fermentation, it is a biological process by which glucose and other six-carbon sugars (also, disaccharides of six-carbon sugars, e.g. sucrose or lactose) are converted into cellular energy. And if you have ever run a decent distance you know it hurts. But if you want to get where you’re going, you don’t want to stop. And imagine if it was the dead of night and you could not see in front of you, you can only see what is in the immediate vicinity, and you can remember what is behind you. We all go through a ‘midnight run’ in our lives, but we can’t stop moving forward because then you would be stuck. But if you think of it as a sprint, you’ll wear yourself out and never make it to the end. Its a marathon in the dead of night.






From Vernon

From Vernon

I asked Vernon if he wanted to say anything to the people who read the blog and this is what he said:


Hi, how are you all doing?, I would love to come over next year sometime, and rent a flat nearby, Maki would obviously come with me because I’d rather he traveled with me than I suffered from the worry of him alone at home. image

Spicy noodles and other things

Spicy noodles and other things

On friday Sandy took me and my Mum Whale watching at Dana point since she is leaving tomorrow, we saw a blue whale, we where VIP guests, and I got to drive the boat. and today me and Chris Adams went rock climbing again

I also got to se My Dad on saturday he seemed really awake and alert

P.S If you ever get the sweet and spicy noodle bowl at the lazy dog cafe it goes well with teriyaki sauce.


I want to go home

Iam having a great time however seeing everything move along makes e sad that i can’t be there. I am having a good time don’t worry about me I just wanted to tell someone.

ps. I accidentally posted without writing



aswell as going to hobbiton, and seeing the wonderful landscape i have also been playing With my little Brother and ive made some Things out of lego that he cant get enough of, he constantly asks me if i can play With him, because he knows if i play With him ill make something for him to play with