
Julia had a few ideas for Vernon up her sleeve when she came out to visit.  Inspired by Josef Albers‘ Kombinationschift alphabet, which uses 10 basic shapes based on the circle and rectangle to create a system of lettering, Julia cut out the series of small shapes from cardboard and brought them to Vernon to see what he might be able to do with them.



He made a tractor.

Maki got involved at this point and helped his dad form simple letters.



Who knows, maybe Vernon will be making fonts again one day. It’s not a bad way to start.


Vernon always seems most stimulated by conversation with new people, and Julia was a treat, bringing in her interest in art and design. Vernon sat forward often, engaged in the conversation, sharing his new idea of studying ‘environmental art,’ where he might glue sticks and leaves to cardboard.

He was in good form, even making a few jokes that Julia, being English, immediately laughed at. Some of them were a little naughty, so I won’t quote him here, but he was pretty funny!


His mind still seems to be showing improvement. He is swallowing well, though he isn’t as interested in water anymore…he must be getting properly hydrated at last. However I am very concerned about his left arm. It still looks terribly swollen though not as tight as before. The doctor has been notified again and hopefully he will arrange another meeting with his vascular surgeon, who performed the surgery two weeks ago. I keep thinking, if this had happened to my arm, as a normal person out here in the world, I never would have allowed it to look like this so long without demanding medical attention. The staff tells me that its partly because he rolls around so much and can’t keep it elevated. It may be nothing, but its very frustrating as it just looks so bad. Thankfully, he isn’t showing signs of new discomfort or infection.

It’s a holiday today. I’m thankful Julia is able to stay with the kids so I can get up to see him this morning.  Hoping he’s in the mood for more jokes!

Update: It’s evening now, and he was pretty good today. We have made appointment for next Tuesday with his surgeon.

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