Allie asked me to put up tonights post. She provided the pictures, I’ll do the narration.

Vernon has been in a medical induced coma for 19 days. I’ve been trying to make it in as much as possible to see the old boy and do anything I can to help.

It just so happens that I missed the 9th and I wandered in around 5pm on the 10th. As I peered across room 6 I noticed there was a few things missing. The three items that measure oxygenation, pressure and drain fluid from his brain. Gone. Not only that but Vernon looked thinner. Water weight. Gone. They have pulled 3.5 liters a day out of Vernon’s blood through dialysis over 10 days now.

I asked the nurse (who I didn’t recognize) about what I noticed and she shrugged, somewhat nonchalant…”oh yes, they took out his ICP and ventric today. They’ll start waking him up tomorrow.”

It’s funny how the nursing staff can be so direct in their delivery before you get to know them.

As tears welled up, I laughed and sat on the bench listening to the typing of the nurse, the beeping of the machines and the peaceful in and out of the ventilator. Laughing quietly.

What a day it was yesterday.

Tomorrow is another very big day. They will be performing the pelvis surgery. It is a big surgery and it’s not to be taken lightly. There are a lot of very big arteries and veins they will be working around.

Pray for success in this surgery. The outcome of this surgery will have a huge impact on future mobility and comfort.

Vernon is continuing to receive dialysis and they are reducing his medication levels every 12 hours.

Pray he remains stable during the surgery tomorrow.





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