

aswell as going to hobbiton, and seeing the wonderful landscape i have also been playing With my little Brother and ive made some Things out of lego that he cant get enough of, he constantly asks me if i can play With him, because he knows if i play With him ill make something for him to play with


Be Alert

Be Alert

Tomorrow is July 23rd. Vernon’s life-changing accident happened on May 23rd.  So in honor of the 23rd, I’m posting a public service announcement…an important reminder to all of us, no matter how you travel.1549265_10152164608961491_2349723472893246956_n


Isn’t this a great design? I discovered this small business-with-a-message after Trevor, the owner, sent me some bumper stickers along with a donation.

Since then, I’ve ordered a couple of t-shirts as well. I wear mine with conviction because I know its a reminder we all need, especially as the streets get busier and the cars get bigger. The bigger the vehicle we are in, the safer we feel…but it makes the little guy less visible. The two-wheeled travelers are more vulnerable than ever.

Look twice. Then look again. Every rider has a valuable life and a family who loves them.

I was told by a nurse this weekend that she is seeing more motorcyclists in the surgical unit than usual. Maybe because it’s summer. Maybe the riders are being especially risky.  But most likely, they just aren’t being seen. Nobody gets into an accident on purpose.

If you are interested in ordering inexpensive yet effective stickers or t-shirts from Trevor’s company, check out his website here.

As he says: His mission is not for bikers – It is about bikers.

Stay safe, everyone!

Long and Sweet

Long and Sweet

“Knowing how to live is not something we have to teach children. Knowing how to live is something we have to be careful not to take away from them.”  Colin Beavan


Yesterday, Vernon continued to move his hands and respond to directions. Justine and my parents visited in the afternoon. He really started trying to communicate with them, squeezing their hands and moving his lips as if to say something. The determination in his face was very clear. He obviously knew what was happening and was trying to hard to talk.  But with the trach, he is only able only to move his mouth without sound. I am going to talk to the doctors tomorrow about moving him into a 4-guage, so we can begin to get him either off the trach completely or at least begin some kind of speech therapy.

The fact that he was trying was immediately clear to Justine, our 4-year old.   Here is a little video of her explaining what she thinks he is trying to say.

I am fascinated by the way that children deal with these things. She is so comfortable in her father’s presence and doesn’t seem to mind the slowness of recovery like even I do.  She sees he is sick…in a place that will heal him…and he is getting better. That’s it. So simple. None of the worries and what-ifs that adults think about.

She is spot on with her words too…her interpretation of what her father might be telling her.  Of course that is what his heart is saying. “I love you and I love to hear your voice and I want to be your friend forever.” Isn’t that what a father would want to tell his children at the heart of everything?

Today, Vernon had to have a procedure to replace his dialysis tube, so he will be staying in the hospital a little longer.  He was pretty tired from that so his hand motions weren’t as strong.


He has started to track movement: he is able to follow voices and people around the room with his eyes. I don’t know how well he can see, but when I put pictures of the children in front of his face and moved them, he certainly seemed focused and followed them with his eyes.


(To Maki: see you are still a part of your dad’s life and healing, even though you are away for awhile. I think he is ready for your video tomorrow. We love you!)

“Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh, and the greatness which does not bow before children.” Kahlil Gibran



Thank You from Vernon’s Parents, Joan and Keith Adams

We, Vernon’s family in England are regrettably unable to be near to him at present and so, with this ‘letter’, we wish to thank all of the many folk of California who have visited our son, and brother, in hospital since his most tragic accident eight weeks ago.

Firstly, we wish to thank the unknown lady doctor, wherever she may be, for administering to Vernon and  remaining by his side until the ambulance arrived. Such a comfort for those  who love him to know that he was not alone at this crucial time.  We cannot thank enough  the paramedics and wonderful staff at St Josephs Hospital, whose excellent skills have kept our son alive.

To those of you who immediately rallied to Allison, Maki and Justines  side with help and support in many different ways.    …..   Thank you.

To those of you who have sat through the long  dark nights with Vernon   ……   Thank You.

To those who have been to Vernons bedside and have made  music and sung to him   ……    Thank You.

To those who have visited Vernon and spoken gently to him and offered heartfelt Prayers on his behalf  …..    again, Thank You.

For others who have felt his hurt deeply and were without words to express their sorrow    …..   Thank You.

All of you, with your compassion, love and prayers are helping with the healing process.  Your gentle thoughtfulness is lending Vernon the dignity which isn’t always easy to maintain.

Many of you know Vernon as a quiet, and humorous man, without show or conceit , ready at all times to offer a helping hand where needed. Our world, in its present state, would be a sorry place without its gifted, generous and gentle souls,and so we ask all of you if you will kindly continue with your prayers for Vernon’s full recovery. Will you please keep visiting him in  hospital whenever you are able to do so.

Last, but not least, although we are in touch constantly, we could not omit from this ‘letter’.  Our love and thanks go to Allison for being  ever vigilant on Vernon’s behalf.  For her family for their care.  Our new-found friends Alice and Mike and their so welcome phone calls.  For Chris. and Jen. for their ‘updates’.

We wish everyone of you well and may God Bless you all.

Joan and Keith Adams.
Vanessa Corbin.
Bournemouth, England.  16th. July 2014.

Progress and Presents

Progress and Presents

More news of progress! Any day now, Vernon will be transferred to a sub-acute care center. The hospital case-workers have finally found a placement for him. He will be in a relatively close facility in Buena Park, a 45 minute drive away. And he will be transported by ambulance every other day to a dialysis center another 10 miles away from there. I am hoping a new and active routine will provide necessary stimulation. He is ready for the next level.  I am ready for the change too. (Weird. I never realized marriage contained so many parallels till now.) It will be nice to start having a regular schedule. We can begin to plan visits around physical therapy, routine dialysis, etc. A few weeks ago, changing to another facility felt threatening, but now I think we are BOTH stronger.

I’ll be checking in on the new place tomorrow. I’m not sure when he will be moving.

But in the meantime, we continue to decorate the current nest.  Here are some friends bringing in more beautification. Even if he can’t visually see everything yet, I think he knows the love is there. And with a camera always around my neck or my iphone in my hand, at least he can look at the pictures later. (No photo or it didn’t happen, right?)

Isn’t this banner great? Not to mention those smiles?


(He’s not in a coma, just taking a nap.  Sorry Vern, not your most alert look, but I love this picture. You just look so…saintly.))

I know this next note is for him, but it might as well be for me, because in some parallel universe, Eddie Izzard is my best friend. Check it out: a get well card from our (um, MY) favorite comedian/smart guy in the world.  Gosh!  (No, we don’t know him, but a close friend is directing a film with him and he mentioned Vernon’s story. STILL!)



(This is on a page of a script that hasn’t been released yet…thus the blur.)