by Allison Moore | Jun 22, 2014 | Day by Day, Uncategorized |
Vernon continues to improve in tiny but noticeable steps. Today I talked to him more about the accident and what had happened, though I’m not sure how much he can remember or was able to understand. His ‘hand squeezes’ (mostly from the upper arm because his fingers still have so little grasp) became especially strong when I hugged his waist and talked about our relationship and the children. This was slightly awkward as I had to avoid various tubes, stitches, plates, and bandages, but I was amazed how well he responded to more touch. The nurse was pleased with this because he hadn’t much reaction from him earlier in the day. Having the familiar nearby will obviously be big for Vernon in this phase.
We will hope for more signs of improvement tomorrow.
In the meantime, I’ll share a picture from his wall…actually window, as we have run out of room on the wall.

This is my attempt at illustrating part of an Alder tree. Vernon’s name literally means “Alder Grove.” He had often told me that in the past, but I didn’t see the significance of it till now. I recently read that Alder trees are known for their resilience and readiness to grow back after fire. Alders grow in large groves and have a deep network of strong roots. How amazing it is to think in that Vernon is healing, not just on his own, and not just due to the hospital care, but also because he is connected under the surface to a greater network of people who are loving him back into the grove, tall and strong.
by Allison Moore | Jun 21, 2014 | Day by Day, Uncategorized |
Vernon is having a difficult transition back to our world. Basically he has been pumped up with drugs that have kept him in deep sedation and out of any pain. So now his body has to recover from what would be a massive Class A drug addiction. He is showing signs of “storming,” which includes physical agitation, sweating, fevers, shivering, etc. in response to the trauma as well as the withdrawal. He still has no control over any of his movement. I am told he probably feels as if a 10-ton truck is parked on his body. However, every single day he looks better than the day before.
Yesterday, for the first time I was able to look into his half-open eye and try to connect. He blinked many times but held his gaze. It was really special. There was no responsive movement yet in his hand or his face.
Today, I had a few different interactions with him when his strong eye would open half-way, and I even noticed that his other eyelid was getting involved a bit more each time. I would try to get my face into his view, bending down in order to get under his eyelashes, and he would hold my gaze. I held his right hand (on the unbroken arm) and asked if he would try to squeeze. He couldn’t really use his fingers but each time I asked him a question, I sensed he was trying to squeeze…if only able to move his shoulder and tense his arm. Eventually, I was able to feel his fingers barely tightening. It must take a lot of effort. My questions were basically: “Do you recognize me?” “Does it hurt?” “Do you want me to stay?” “Do you hear the music?” Nothing too intellectual at this point. But wow! I don’t know how much this registers in his head, but it certainly registered in mine.

by Chris Adams | Jun 20, 2014 | Day by Day, Uncategorized |
Hi All, this has been a heavy week. Vernon is completely off sedation and this time tomorrow he will be off pain medications and onto methadone which is easier to get off later.
I will be heading out of town for next week at an extremely critical time for Vernon and the family. I’ve been told I have to go and I am heeding that advice.
My thoughts and prayers will be with you all and most of all with Vernon.
Listen everyone, Vernon needs a significant push of prayer.
We need to lobby the big Man upstairs in a significant way. Vernon needs healing in his brain. He has shearing that needs to be repaired by the Master Surgeon. Going forward the assessment of Vernon will continue in earnest and the family is going to need support from friends as the path before them continues to illuminate.
Please continue to reach out.
Maki, you are missed already man. Hope you guys aren’t too jet lagged!
by Allison Moore | Jun 19, 2014 | Day by Day, Uncategorized |
Tonight we said goodbye to Maki for the summer…a trip planned ages ago, months before the accident. He goes to visit his other family for the summer and is really looking forward to spending the ‘winter’ in New Zealand.
Last night, we had an impromptu going away bonfire for Maki at the beach. A few good men showed to up… 
He has been very spoiled lately, pretty much eating like a king and being showered with his favorite snacks (on request.) Not a bad way to live in the difficult times.

Another great thing that happened to Maki in this time is that his mother, Synnove, on hearing the news, cut short her trip in Norway (where she had been visiting family with her 4 1/2 year old daughter, Jennifer) in order to be with Maki.
Our family situation is complicated and international, but in a nutshell, Maki has been living with Vernon and I for the past five years, though he has a wonderful relationship with his mother (and stepdad and siblings) and visits them when possible. But the two families are two separate families, only connected by Maki. Vernon and Synnove talk, but I have never really had a relationship with her, though I have met her in passing several times over the years. Again these things are complicated and hard to understand. And there were never any ill feelings between us.

Of course, when Synnove told me she was coming out, I agreed. It was absolutely the right thing for his mother to do. She booked a room in a hotel down the street for herself and Jenny and came down to the house whenever Maki was around. Eventually she started staying around longer because I needed help with Justine and the two girls, who had always been curious about each other, got along famously…most of them time. Except for when the fought like cats…or sisters.

I guess its true what they say about the difficult times bringing people together, because for the first time since his parents split up ten years ago, his two families were in the same place. I think it was nice for Maki to feel that even without his dad, he is still very much a part of two families. Two families who have now come together to share the love for him…instead of being split apart across the world. I know it was good for me to have them here as I absolutely loved the friendship and connection both Justine and I had with these ladies. She would also help prepare food, sweep up, let me take naps. Absolutely wonderful. Sometimes I would joke and say: “well, you might not have worked out as Vernon’s wife, but you are a great wife for me.” It was so nice to have her support and conversation. I feel as if I have gained another sister. She might think this post is too sappy, so I’ll stop and just add one more picture.

They left tonight and we will miss all three. But I think its good timing because how awkward would it be if Vernon woke up to see her standing there instead of me! What with the potential memory loss, its a recipe for a true comedy of errors!

As for news about Vernon…he is still making tiny movements here and there, but I am under the impression that he may be starting to hear us a bit. Today Maki and I watched him try to yawn, a little tricky with a wired jaw. Tomorrow, hopefully, we will notice a little more improvement still.
by Allison Moore | Jun 18, 2014 | Day by Day, Uncategorized |

Vernon continues to have dialysis for 3 hours a day, releasing 3 liters of fluids from his system. I understand that his kidneys may work properly again when he comes through, but he will be on regular dialysis for some time. Our bodies are amazing machines filled with incredibly efficient albeit small organs, which are tucked discreetly inside. The man-made version of the kidney is giant box, as big as a refrigerator, connected by awkward tubes through the neck. Be thankful we all don’t have to lug those around everywhere just to help us pee…the world is crowded enough!

One interesting thing that happened while I was at the hospital today is that the Physical Therapists came by for the first time. They moved Vernon’s legs a bit to getting some motion going through the joints. I’m glad he was asleep for it, this first time, as it would certainly be painful after a month of lying still…let alone because his injuries. But this is what I found so funny: when the Physical Therapist worked his broken leg, Vernon managed to react with one eye half opening. I doubt he could see anything or was even aware of what was happening, but the look of ‘stink-eye’ he seemed to direct at the PT was so awesome. Vernon in his waking best, is still often a man of few words, but a well directed eyebrow can convey much. So to see something close to this expression was great.
I’ve been learning to live in the moment, the hour, and at most, the DAY. And so little motions like this I hold dear to my heart as signs of recovery. Its been 26 days since I’ve seen my husband even move, so I’ll take what I can get. And he can take his time.
Now, one more thing I want to share…

This picture is of the plaque outside his room. At first I didn’t think it was as profound as some of the other quotes and scriptures I’ve seen outside SICU rooms. But now I think it is absolutely the best and most appropriate message for his story. The Spirit of Giving from the doctors and nurses…and YOU, his community…has certainly lifted him and us, his family, beyond what we could have imagined. Thank you for all your thoughts, prayers, gifts, and help…it is changing us all for good.
by The Maki | Jun 17, 2014 | Day by Day, Uncategorized |
It was a dark and not so stormy night I was playing spiderman as Vernon had bought me it earlier that day, Justine was playing with her toys and Alli was editing photos, this was the friday of the accident, a normal friday. The door bell rang Alli and I went to the door to welcome Vernon. But a police lady was standing at the door she asked if Chris Adams lived there we said no and she asked who the blue vespa belonged to, then Alli asked if there was an accident “yes”