“There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good.” Edwin Denby
As already mentioned, lots to rejoice about this weekend: Vernon’s upward mobilization at the hospital (3rd to 4th floor), Maki having a great time in THE SHIRE (on bucket list for the rest of us), an amazing night under the full moon for Justine and myself. And need I add: that perfect square of dance-floor above.
And YET, the list continues. Maybe being on a new floor gives me the confidence to ask for more. I asked if Vernon could be moved down in the gauge-size of his trach, and they did it! The moved him to a 6!
(I am speaking of the little tube in his neck, used for breathing. These tubes go 10-8-6-4-2, size-wise. He had been on a 10, and somehow the 8 got slipped in there recently without my knowledge.)
Anyway…a 6 is great! It is possible to cap a 6-gauge trach, meaning they could actually close up his neck for breathing at this level and he could start breathing on his own. Since the trach is one of the challenges limiting us to long-term rehabilitation centers, this progress is certainly something to be joyful about. And for the past 24 hours, he has been doing great on the 6! Go, Vernon, go! Just like the quiet warrior he always has been.
Also, there is a new diagnosis about his kidneys that will allow us to change into better health insurance. I couldn’t have seen this coming, but that will open up our options for long-term care as well. So far, there will be little help from the auto insurance of the other driver, so this is a good thing! Thank you again for all your love and kindness and prayer! It’s obviously powerful stuff!
If you feel like celebrating with us…here is a little ukulele therapy brought in by Dante (Maki’s best friend’s big brother.) Among other tunes, he played this Kinks song for Vernon.
You inspire me Allison… brave, talented, creative, empathetic, soul-lifting, amazing, beautiful and you are so much more….LOVE. xx
awwww Maria you kissed my heart tonight. Thank you, lovely thing. I wish you knew him..he is such a beautiful soul. In the meantime, from a distance…we can start digging in our back yards…i’ll meet you in a few years in the middle! xoxo
Wow! You snapped that new room into shape! Looks festive already! And you? You are the cutest thing alive. Love that pic! (Super news about the trach!)
I think I have that dance move on camera too, from Justines birthday party:). Im so sorry we missed you on skype, we went for a walk and before we knew we had walked 11 kilometers and the sun was setting! (Actually we did the mistake of not turning around in time, so the walk home got a bit long but it was mostly downhill.)Looking for you tomorrow! Lots of love from us.
This ain’t your ordinary hospital room. Keep filling it with this kind of hope and love, they may ask you to come on staff to encourage others recovery! 🙂
Hope you both enjoyed that tune as much as I did! What a beautiful voice. Great news about the trach and more prayer coming your way for finding future care for Vernon.
YOU inspire Allison! Keep dancing, & know that prayers are going out daily w/ great hope & faith.