Tonight we said goodbye to Maki for the summer…a trip planned ages ago, months before the accident. He goes to visit his other family for the summer and is really looking forward to spending the ‘winter’ in New Zealand.
Last night, we had an impromptu going away bonfire for Maki at the beach. A few good men showed to up…
He has been very spoiled lately, pretty much eating like a king and being showered with his favorite snacks (on request.) Not a bad way to live in the difficult times.
Another great thing that happened to Maki in this time is that his mother, Synnove, on hearing the news, cut short her trip in Norway (where she had been visiting family with her 4 1/2 year old daughter, Jennifer) in order to be with Maki.
Our family situation is complicated and international, but in a nutshell, Maki has been living with Vernon and I for the past five years, though he has a wonderful relationship with his mother (and stepdad and siblings) and visits them when possible. But the two families are two separate families, only connected by Maki. Vernon and Synnove talk, but I have never really had a relationship with her, though I have met her in passing several times over the years. Again these things are complicated and hard to understand. And there were never any ill feelings between us.
Of course, when Synnove told me she was coming out, I agreed. It was absolutely the right thing for his mother to do. She booked a room in a hotel down the street for herself and Jenny and came down to the house whenever Maki was around. Eventually she started staying around longer because I needed help with Justine and the two girls, who had always been curious about each other, got along famously…most of them time. Except for when the fought like cats…or sisters.
I guess its true what they say about the difficult times bringing people together, because for the first time since his parents split up ten years ago, his two families were in the same place. I think it was nice for Maki to feel that even without his dad, he is still very much a part of two families. Two families who have now come together to share the love for him…instead of being split apart across the world. I know it was good for me to have them here as I absolutely loved the friendship and connection both Justine and I had with these ladies. She would also help prepare food, sweep up, let me take naps. Absolutely wonderful. Sometimes I would joke and say: “well, you might not have worked out as Vernon’s wife, but you are a great wife for me.” It was so nice to have her support and conversation. I feel as if I have gained another sister. She might think this post is too sappy, so I’ll stop and just add one more picture.
They left tonight and we will miss all three. But I think its good timing because how awkward would it be if Vernon woke up to see her standing there instead of me! What with the potential memory loss, its a recipe for a true comedy of errors!
As for news about Vernon…he is still making tiny movements here and there, but I am under the impression that he may be starting to hear us a bit. Today Maki and I watched him try to yawn, a little tricky with a wired jaw. Tomorrow, hopefully, we will notice a little more improvement still.
Another wonderful post, filling in the rest of the story, as Vernon heals, slowly. Your grace and compassion are inspiring. Continued prayers are coming your way, knowing that God is truly at work in your lives.
Oh Allison-just loved what you shared! What a joy to get to know Synnove and Jennifer-I laughed out loud that she was a good wife to you! I’m praying for their trip to New Zeland. I’m glad Vernon is still progressing positively 🙂 I’m praying for his peaceful awakening to you and Justine….
Kirsten we loved getting to know you and your children. Noah has been a great support to Maki these weeks. What a good friend! Lots of love.
Allison, It’s a beautiful post! So wonderful you and Justine have made this sweet connection with Maki’s mom and sister and now you’re family. I laughed so hard that Synnove made a great wife for you! Too funny! I’m sure Synnove and Jennifer have been blessed with you and Justine as their new friends/family! The Mighty hand of God is with you all and Vernon. Praying!!!!!!
Faith❤️Hope❤️and Love❤️and the Greatest of these is LOVE❤️ What a Beautiful example of Great you all are! Praying with a heavy heart for ALL of You! ❤️ Seems like Love does uncomplicate the complicated ❤️
Another beautiful, inspiring post, Alli. And, yes, what unforeseen lovely things can come out of a tragic circumstance. As always, I’m sending you all love and good vibes from Brooklyn.
~Ali xxx
Hi Jersey Ali…hhaha, its been a long time since I’ve heard you called that, and you aren’t even in NJ anymore, are you?.
But I knew immediately who this was from. Thank you for sending your well wishes and care…virtual hugs, I think!
Love, Cali Ali
such a great post. all good things happening! prayers…
Sitting here on my lunch break crying in Subway. Such beauty, this laying down for each other, for Maki. You are defining gracious beauty. Love you and praying.
Love you too, Katherine. Thank you for your prayers. Now I understand why you became a nurse…they are the heros in our world.
Beautiful post Allison, A women of grace, love, courage, hope, faith, strength and, much more, you are Allison! You are in inspiration. Do know prayers are continually going out daily!
Much Love, Hope & Faith
Dear Allison,
Just beatiful how the two famalies came together at this important time in Vern’s life. He has really been going thru a lot of things that we never expect to in a life time.
One of the ladies that I am sending this too ask what realation was I to you and Vern. That takes about a page but she said that had been awa and she was just wondering. Tried to update her. She lives over in VA and she is praying for Vern.
Firsly, we are now safely back in Matamata in New Zealand, and Maki is building lego with his little brother Daniel. We are truly blessed with your friendship, Allison and of little Justines too. Our visit in San Clemente started off a bit carefully, both because we didnt know each other, and because of the situation with Vernon that was a shock. But I soon got to trust and enjoy your very positive and generous spirit, I have learned a lot from you, Allison. We will miss you, but now were friends, and can support each other in the future. Lots of love.