I find it interesting that whenever I stop to ‘work through’ some personal stuff and do it as honestly as I can, the next day will most likely be better. I saw some great breakthroughs today with Vernon (and Joe too) but they would just as likely have happened if I hadn’t taken on my anxiety yesterday. It still might have been a good day, but I wouldn’t have been as free to enjoy it as I did. My heart can only hold so much energy, and with the release of the most current negative thoughts and emotions (even temporarily) I had more room in my heart to experience that joy more fully. And oh, I did!
I’d asked for the doctor’s permission to take Vernon out again today, but I drove up alone, so I wasn’t sure if they’d let me take him out without another person to help me. When I got to his room, he was working with Lisa, the Speech Therapist. Apparently she had assessed him yesterday and had asked to meet with him three times a week (half hour session each.) We’d worked with Lisa last year, but due to Vernon’s condition, she didn’t get far. Then we had all those disappointing months without the benefit. And now, I guess he’s back in the therapy game, a little at a time.
Joe was in the room too, encouraging Vernon and keeping him calm. Lisa had given him a list of word and sound exercises that he could guide Vernon through on their ‘free time.’ She seemed grateful to have Joe there (aren’t we all?), and she was obviously happy that Vernon was responding so well. He’d tasted vanilla pudding (didn’t like it) and had done some singing exercises that they repeated for me here:
He didn’t want to stop! I think he was hungry to work. Now…for Physical Therapy to get on board with him!
After this, I decided to try to take him out for a drive on my own. Once we got him transferred into the passenger seat of the van, I turned on some tunes, rolled the windows down, and slowly started down the street. I expected to maybe go around the block once or twice and then return, but once we headed west, we kept going until we reached Pacific Coast Highway. We sang out loud to the music (well, I did) and enjoyed simply cruising up the coast. We drove the few miles up to Huntington beach, during which time he said he was comfortable. When he’d had enough, he asked me to return to the care home. In the end, we we drove about 10 miles over 45 minutes (must have been the little one-way streets of Balboa that caught me up.) He was definitely more relaxed this time than the last two outings. We talked about the idea of his eventually tolerating more time in the car and that perhaps eventually I could drive him home. He liked that idea.
Joe greeted us on our return and chatted with us for the long while it took to get someone to transfer Vernon back to a wheel chair. Joe had good news of his own: while we’d been gone, he had stood up in the gym by pulling himself up with his upper body. Everyone was shocked how tall he actually was! As far as I know, this is the first time he’s stood up in years. I didn’t even think it was something they would bother to try. So he was quite pleased with himself, as he should be.
This is the song that comes to mind when I think of my date with Vernon earlier. It was a beautiful day…our first time alone together, free of any facility since this ordeal began.
OH SUCH JOY…. I have watched the video four times ..the best news in nearly a year, all that hard work you have put in has had it`s reward ..i can see why you have some soul songs singing in your head !!
send my love to my brother ..and tell him how very proud i am ..and to you Allison the biggest hug ever! ( in my head i am singing ” what a wonderful world” (louis amrnstrong)…Eva cassidy does a lovely version
xx love to you all xx
HI Vanessa. 🙂 I haven’t changed the settings but I don’t know where the little icons have gone. In the meantime, you can cut and paste the link from the browser if you want to. xo
hi Allison all sorted ..i`m afraid it is this end again ..not setting on here or facebook as i thought … but our new computer and windows 10 grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr driving us crazy..it has even deleted emails from you with photographs on..i want our old , slow full up computer back …
This is the most wonderful post yet Alli, the sun really is starting to shine brighter. Give my love to Vernon and Joe, they are starting to become like a superhero team. Go boys GO!! xx
So glad for today’s getting ahead and Vern doing voice therapy was so great. And then for you to take Vern out by yourself was so good. And being alone with him after so long apart made me so happy for you 2 and Joe is back and how much you both enjoyed the time alone. It was a great day.