Hope is the physician of each misery. ~Irish Proverb
Here is a little peek at some of what Vernon has been working on, behind the scenes.
What can I say? Though he is obviously doing better than he was a month ago, he seems to be slowing down again…not wanting to work, not wanting to open his eyes and acknowledge his situation. I think he is depressed. Who wouldn’t be? In a way, that could be a sign that his brain is healthy. Still, we keep cheerleading and encouraging him to find the HOPE that will be his strength. It’s not easy to watch though.
I don’t want to pressure him to perform and show progress, as it all will happen in his own time, but its difficult for us all when it feels things are going backward. Its hard to watch him lose momentum, even though I KNOW that he will be breaking through the next level again, just as he has before. There is just no time-frame, which makes it frustrating.
Here I am trying to make him look up for the camera (which to his credit, he was never crazy about.) To our praying friends: please ask God that he would be refreshed and uplifted again. He may just not be feeling well these days…but he needs another breakthrough. He needs to find the will to work and interact so that we can communicate and so that he can be confident that he is indeed improving. I know how debilitating the Great Sadness can be.
Pilar mentioned today that there is a spate of younger motorcycle accident patients who have just been transferred in. I then suggested to her that perhaps when Vernon is ready to moved from his isolation room, he could be put with a younger roommate…perhaps it would be good for him to see that some of the other patients in the hospital are young. I get the sense he feels like an old man: unable to do the most basic things, moving too slowly, helpless, unlike the self he remembers at all. It might be good for him to see some other ‘young’ patients he can relate to.
Back in the room, Pilar noticed a friendly young man, Juan, walking around the halls with his walker, chatting to all the nurses, and asked if he could come meet Vernon. Of course he could. He only stayed for a few minutes, telling his story how he was so depressed in the beginning, he didn’t want to eat or try to work, but with the physical therapists, he now loves to move around and generally has the brightest attitude in the hall (that I can tell so far.) He hadn’t had a brain injury but a blood clot that had rendered him unable to use his legs.
Juan was great, full of spark and positivity. Vernon opened his eyes wide for the first time all day when Juan was in the room talking to him. Maybe we are on to something here. I personally think Vernon needs a big booster shot of HOPE.
I’m praying for a supernatural infusion of the stuff.
Once you choose hope, anything’s possible. ~Christopher Reeve
Praying with you for HOPE to Rise……..
Hello birthday girl. See you had a busy day! Everything you say is so, so true. What an amazing thing to happen that Juan came by. This does go in Waves, and I Guess Vernon should soon be expected to get agitated, (according to those stages of waking up) but being the person he is, he might just keep it inside. Anyway he has a very depressing roommate, so youre on to something, I think. Lots of love
yes, I won’t post my scary pictures of the roommate. yikes. 🙂
PS Vernon had his harpist friend stop by last night and the room-mate kept shoo-ing her away. What a crotchety old man!
Thats just not right! But him being there at least means there are People around a lot…but not for any positive reason…
There’s always one in the crowd. Maybe a harp wasn’t the roommate’s cup of tea, even before. I’ll bring up my son’s high school jazz band to play some big band music. The roommate might just need a beat to get his toes tapping!
i love that idea!
i hope juan will be one of many positive influences for vernon to move out of his current funk! can’t imagine… prayers continue…
yeah, he was a sweetie pie…he even called me “ma’am.” 🙂 Might be good for me too. 🙂
I’m praying for Vernon! xo
apart from the possible next level for Vernon through his contact with Juan, I’m impressed by all your beautiful and appropriate quotes you use. those sayings actually hold for every one of us….thanks. thinking of you
Happy Birthday!! 🙂 Praying much for you, and for Vernon for encouragement and breakthroughs…
ps(I don’t know if they offer pet therapy there, but wondering if something kind of like this might be of use in the future: http://www.northridgehospital.org/Who_We_Are/207038)
OK maybe Vern is ready for a little spiritual medicine. Do you think a flower essence would be allowed? It can be applied to the skin just a few drops and allowed to soak in. I can’t remember which one is for the great sadness but I’ll look it up. They are gentle and slowly shift energy.They are made in brandy so won’t spread germs !
Hills and valleys. If it were all flat there where be no peak, from which to look back and see the real progress. We lift up Vernon in prayer, and you dear Allison!
P.S. I had a volunteer harpist come into,our ICU and ask if she could play and I said yes. A few minutes later a doctor complained. Said he didn’t want his patients to think they were on there way into heaven! 🙂
Hi Allison, We have real admiration for you. We pray for you pretty much every day. We’ll be asking God to lift Vernon up to hope and perseverance. It must be so hard. But God is able. We’ll also pray for God to bring other patients into his life who can encourage him. Isn’t it great how God knows just what we need and when we need it. We can trust His love and wisdom.
Yes- Praying along with you all that God whispers huge beautiful words of HOPE into his whole being. Love the idea of bringing in youthful energy. Next time I come visit I’ll bring my silly comedy songs- maybe he just needs some good belly laughter sometimes to perk him up as we all do. Either he’ll laugh with me or at me- either way– let’s bring on the joy. Such a small thing we can do for someone who’s brought so much love and joy to this world.
praying along with you for breakthrough…….for hope……for refreshment and the lifter of his head!!!! love
I’ll be praying. I wonder if it was nice for Vernon to feel as if someone could relate to him and understand what he’s going through. I could only imagine how lonely it would be on the inside. Much love to you and Vernon.
We started our regular Bible studies today and I requested prayer for Vernon and you. Depression really gets you down but you know we can ask God to realese Vernon from terrible thing and we do serve an awesone God. God be with you both.