As mentioned in my previous post, today was the day I planned to spend less time at the hospital and get back to a kind of working schedule. (Being an artist, at least I’m free to choose my own hours–which usually means not working at all.)
It was strange…suddenly the time with Vernon in his room felt different. It wasn’t like the early days of keeping vigil for hours at a time. Now I wanted to WORK, I wanted him to work. I wanted to see something. No more soft music, its time for rock and roll. He’s been sleeping long enough. Its time for electric guitars, drums, maybe even some horns!
Even he seemed aware of it today. I know I am possibly projecting my feelings onto him, but I felt that he wanted to match my intensity somehow. He started responding to my questions with squeezing again, which he hadn’t shown the strength for all week. And he started to move his thumb on my command. Not much, but it was consistent! This is one of the things (you may remember) that the doctors want to see…if the brain can send the signal to the hand to separate the thumb or have the fingers eventually make a peace-sign, it shows that cognitive connections are being made. Something as complicated as shooting the bird would surely be cause for celebration!
After his success, I gave him a break and got back to my own business on the laptop. While responding to an email, I looked up and noticed his hands BOTH starting to move, fingers gently (though barely) bending. This was the first time I’d seen his left hand (the one on the broken arm) moving at all, except for the occasional posturing and that is typical of a TBI* patient.
I checked with the Dialysis Technician quietly reading the paper beside me. “Did you see that? LOOK!” He agreed he saw something, though he probably wasn’t as interested in these details as I tend to be.
I jumped up and started working on commands to his left hand. Sure enough, he was able to squeeze it in response to my questions. And when I asked if he could move his thumb, he COULD! Again, it was small, but noticeable, and very much on cue. So I feel that we are in the middle of a new breakthrough. I am so pleased to see this rush of connection and strength through his hands.
Please keep him in your prayers this weekend. I’d love to say that THIS was the weekend that there was another big change. Like I said last night: IT IS TIME. I hope you will join me in believing it.
Speaking of hands, a friend just sent me this picture today, Vernon and one of his hands…showing off the simple Navajo wedding band he bought himself (I would hand it to him a week or so later.) I’ve been wearing that ring for the past 8 weeks, under my own ring, since the doctors handed it to me right before emergency surgery. I kind of like it there…might not give it back.
And here are my hands today–well, just the gloves–after starting a mural. I had bought supplies for this project the morning of Vernon’s accident. (Another story for another time.) These are hospital grade gloves from Vernon’s room, just in my size too… I hit the glove jackpot there, I tell you. I’ll be stocking up.
Just put it on our bill.
*Traumatic Brain Injury
What’s going on with your hard drive? My husband is an IT engineer. Email me safetysteph@icloud.com Sending your hard drive away can cost upwards of $500 to fix sometimes. I’m a photographer too, well I was when I lived in England. When I moved back my hard drive with the aperture library crashed and he was able to recover most of it. I feel your IT pain.
i am sat here mesmerized looking at verns hands (thinking silly things like .. who has hands like that, not mum and i ..or dad ..i think they maybe my grandads??.. i know silly thoughts ..) but i do know he was always fiddling with his wedding band … he loved to tell the story behind the buying of it … and i remember the last time he hugged me at LA airport doors,last september, i felt his hands really hug me so tight , held my arms to face him and really look me in the eyes… now i wait until we can do the same again, but this time it will be saying hello not goodbye x
COME ON VERN …. time to wake up ..time to listen to some hard rock music and get moving ..Aaron has plenty of that you can listen to..that would make your hands move and your toes curl, i can tell you xx love to you all xx
Allison, you don’t remember us but we were with you and your parents in Guatemala when you were 1 1/2 years old. We have been praying for Vernon and you almost every day. We also were feeling somewhat like you did last night and are so thrilled to hear this increase in Vernon’s movements. Your strong faith has encouraged us to deal better with small and large frustrations in our lives also. God has been helping us in various ways to see that his gift to us each day is breath and life and daily activities in which he allows us to have a part.
I waited for Your post, expecting you to notice something like this,(you seemed very determined yesterday) and Maki is thinking about his dad too. The children are coulouring in pages Tracey gave Jennifer in the hospital, and we talked about the fact that Vernon is on a different floor now.
The need for People to communicate is massive – its such a drive, and its depressing when you cant. And it doeasnt help putting Words in Peoples mouths, they need to be able to Express whats on their mind. Even if its just little Things, like “Swich off that light, please”.
Youre doing so well getting back to work and doing that mural! Lots of love
Little or big change, it’s all a big deal. Praying for giant breakthroughs! I’m joining you in believing it! Alison, you are truly amazing!
May the Holy Spirit hold you tight
and be closer than ever through the night
May you rest well and silence the screams
Hear the whispers of angels and have beautiful dreams
Awaken anew with strength for the day
Continuing Hope, he will find a new way
It’s time for a change, with faith of healing we cleave
I join you today, with you I believe
Love you XO
Praise God for these new developments! I will be praying hard all weekend!!
God’s mercies are new EVERY DAY!!! 🙂 Love you!
Jazz hands!!! Come on Vernon, we know you’re in there. Thinking of you lots xx
A lot of things are on my mind right now. One is that your feelings are coming right through your writing so clearly – which is good, because it gives us (your friends – the people NOT in your shoes) a connection and a way to see where to lend a hand or support – it’s warm and human and good, so thank you and keep it up – this can’t be easy, so keep reaching out – your friends have got you, we’ll see you through this!… Promise! The second is I relate… to wanting to be a little abrasive… get that bugger up! When I went to visit Vernon my first time, my goal was to bring a little Ireland into his room… to be sweet and polite, but tease him just a lil’, say things just to get what would normally illicit a chuckle, like tease him about England doing so badly in the World Cup and that he better wake up or there was going to be a Irishman running amok in the hospital and taking over his lettering business – the fun stuff we have bantered about getting to know each other… so maybe it’s time for another visit, maybe I’ll try and learn a couple of bad Irish folk tunes, just to irritate him enough to get up! Yeah, I was walking earlier today and I was bumming that Vernon wasn’t his usual self right now, we we’re starting to get busy putting ideas together for the Stamp Foundry and it was exciting… I want that back – recovery can be hard, I’m still having really bad days walking and some that almost feel normal – like right now. I hear ya Allison! I can imagine some of the things that are on your mind – steady on…. small steps…. we’ll get him there… and yeah I’ll be bringing my own brand of rock n’ roll by in the next couple of days…. Love, your brother Luke – Psalm 20
Awww Allison- what an incredibly significant moment- surely we take such simple things for granted- thumb movement- we will be praying very specifically right at this time for this awakening. I believe you are so very in-tune with Vernon’s symphony of sorts….May he make great strides- demonstrating cohesive movements forward.
The Lord is so Good!
It is just amazing to have the opportunity to have this story unfold before us. Thank you for this gift Allison- I am equally pleased to know you have chosen to delve back into your creative work-even if it is “a little here – a little there”…Good for you…
It is with great anticipation that we await what God will do next……..
Tender love to you both Brenda and David
Allison your posts help keep me focused on holding the space in my mind body and soul for Vernon’s continued amelioration. I feel close to you all and that really helps. Thank you for using your beautiful creativeness to get through this as it is helping us all.On the spur of the moment this morning I asked the angels for a word for Vernon, so I grabbed the dictionary and focused, opened and pointed….it was Olympic games…..made me laugh and I think Vernon would too.
Keep up the progress Vernon! For you guys to rock out in the PCSU:
Allison, What wonderful news this is! I think it’s cool that your energy–at all levels–literally engulfs Vernon with love. It’s simple, but it’s true, and bears repeating:
Just love that photo of Vernon showing off his ring-tears.
Wonderful news about his left hand joining in! We are praying for sudden positive change!!! It’s happening! xoxo
Allison, God is soooo good. At my bible study group yesterday, we prayed that God would give you hope and that he would lift your spirits up. Our prayers were focused on what God is doing in Vernon, but prayed specifically that you would be able to see a glimps of that work and bring you hope. God is good!
allison, some of the best news ever. you must be on cloud nine – level one? how many cloud nines are you going to experience through this! here’s to the next one. continued prayers and hugs…
This is good news indeed! I was talking to a friend who is in med school the other day about Vernon. She talked to me about what she was learning about the plasticity of the brain… how when one part of the brain gets damaged, another part can learn to pick up it’s slack. I imagined Vernon’s brain working hard, learning, changing, even while externally there may not seem to be much movement. Plus, I thought the word ‘plasticity’ was a great word! 🙂 Much love!
I love that! thanks, sis! It makes tons of sense too!Vernon is a smart guy…if anything he had TOO MUCH brain going for him before…I imagine his brain is going to be able to pick up the slack for sure.
<3 always a tug on my heart when I read your posts…….AND GOD'S GOODNESS! So excited for every single small or big change…….absolutely wonderful. We are all praying and love hearing how God is moving & bringing healing…..every time I read these posts I feel as if I've had a beautiful visit with you and your HUGE heart! much love
I was so pleased to read the latest news keep up the good work, and get those hand working just goes to show how prayer works will still keep praying for you all
From sue Jones cousin in England God Bless