First off, thank you to those who turbo-charged their prayers for Vernon last night and today.  Please don’t stop yet. I think he is close to a  breakthrough.  I am believing for it, anyway.fc4d4298571411e180c9123138016265_7

As mentioned in my previous post, today was the day I planned to spend less time at the hospital and get back to a kind of working schedule.  (Being an artist, at least I’m free to choose my own hours–which usually means not working at all.)

It was strange…suddenly the time with Vernon in his room felt different. It wasn’t like the early days of keeping vigil for hours at a time. Now I wanted to WORK, I wanted him to work.  I wanted to see something. No more soft music, its time for rock and roll.  He’s been sleeping long enough.  Its time for electric guitars, drums, maybe even some horns!

Even he seemed aware of it today. I know I am possibly projecting my feelings onto him, but I felt that he wanted to match my intensity somehow. He started responding to my questions with squeezing again, which he hadn’t shown the strength for all week.  And he started to move his thumb on my command. Not much, but it was consistent!  This is one of the things (you may remember) that the doctors want to see…if the brain can send the signal to the hand to separate the thumb or have the fingers eventually make a peace-sign, it shows that cognitive connections are being made.  Something as complicated as shooting the bird would surely be cause for celebration!

After his success, I gave him a break and got back to my own business on the laptop.  While responding to an email, I looked up and noticed his hands BOTH starting to move, fingers gently (though barely) bending. This was the first time I’d seen his left hand (the one on the broken arm) moving at all, except for the occasional posturing and  that is typical of a TBI* patient.

I checked with the Dialysis Technician quietly reading the paper beside me. “Did you see that? LOOK!” He agreed he saw something, though he probably wasn’t as interested in these details as I tend to be.

I jumped up and started working on commands to his left hand. Sure enough, he was able to squeeze  it in response to my questions. And when I asked if he could move his thumb, he COULD!  Again, it was small, but noticeable, and very much on cue. So I feel that we are in the middle of a new breakthrough. I am so pleased to see this rush of connection and strength through his hands.

Please keep him in your prayers this weekend. I’d love to say that THIS was the weekend that there was another big change. Like I said last night: IT IS TIME. I hope you will join me in believing it.

Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset

Speaking of hands, a friend just sent me this picture today, Vernon and one of his hands…showing off the simple Navajo wedding band he bought himself (I would hand it to him a week or so later.) I’ve been wearing that ring for the past 8 weeks, under my own ring, since the doctors handed it to me right before emergency surgery.  I kind of like it there…might not give it back.

Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset

And here are my hands today–well, just the gloves–after starting a mural. I had bought supplies for this project the morning of Vernon’s accident. (Another story for another time.)  These are hospital grade gloves from Vernon’s room, just in my size too… I hit the glove jackpot there, I tell you.  I’ll be stocking up.

Just put it on our bill.


*Traumatic Brain Injury


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