Hero: a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities.

I apologize for the broken link that went out to our blog subscribers last night. I hadn’t meant to publish what I wrote, but used this space instead  to work out some personal thoughts. When I realized 20 minutes later that it had indeed been sent out, I rushed back to cancel in in a panic.

It had to do with the feeling that the people who accidentally hit Vernon and began this whole chain of events and circumstances seem like missing important characters in the whole story. I am forever tied to these people and yet I don’t know them. And I have been given the strong impression that they have turned their heads from the reality of what they were involved in.  I could be wrong though.  I don’t need advice on how to deal with this…I’ve already been discussing it with the wise guides (legal and otherwise) in my life, who each offer different ideas.

Ultimately I’ll do what is right for me, I just don’t know what that is yet. It could take months of working it out privately in my journal.  But you should know I’m not wallowing in anger. I’m looking for solutions, but I’ll share those thoughts when they are more clear to me.  Nearly every character in our story has become a hero—being pushed past their own limits to find out they can handle more than they knew they could, and most often being permanently changed for better in the experience. But this invisible couple are still glaring characters in the story, and there needs to be some sort of resolution, though it can never be justice. I wonder, do they have a chance to be heroes too? Would they take it if given the chance?

Anyway…enough of that. I’ll sort it out more in private. This is just a little glimpse of where my mind is at the moment. It can and will change.



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