My friend Julia has come all the way from the UK to visit for two weeks. She and her family lived down the road from us in England, practically neighbors, so we spend a lot of time at their house and became very good friends. It’s been wonderful to see her again after all these years, but its especially meaningful right now as she is the only person besides his family whom I’ve seen from that time in our lives. Julia knew Vernon and myself as a couple for six years. Its good to reminisce about that long part of our lives that seems so distant now. The time that Vernon has been in care here is nearly equal to the amount of time that we lived together in California, so even those memories are becoming more distant, so it is very good to reminisce and honor those first six years of our lives together in England. With Julia here, that doesn’t feel quite as long ago.
Anyway, its only been a little over one full day that she’s been here and we are having a great time (which includes another family night honoring Alan Rickman, one of our favorite actors by watching Galaxy Quest and making paintings inspired by his likeness.)
Welcome Julia! <3
Glad you have Julia there with you for a time. Someone who knew you and Vern when you first got married and you lived close too. Have a great time visiting and talking about old times.