Justine had a fever all night so I won’t be sending her to school this morning nor will I be visiting Vernon as planned. So in lieu of a current update, I’ll share a video from last week.
They’ve had a hard time keeping Vernon in his bed, which is frustrating for the staff, obviously. The nursing home cannot use restraints at all, not even bars on the side of his bed, so they place two mats on the floor between his and Joe’s beds. It’s difficult for the CNA’s to get him back into the bed from the floor, but at least he doesn’t weigh much (he has recently put on weight and now is closer to 110 lbs.) So here he is on the floor with his daughter. There may not be much of his old personality left in him, but there is still love for his family.
And she loves him. In the midst of her fevered dreams last night, she said: “I miss dad.”
so sweet! I hope Justine gets well soon. My little nephew had a fever last weekend as well so I guess it’s going around.
Luv u, M
Love her tender little hand stroking his arm, and his kisses on her leg. Tell her, us Logies will say a prayer for her to feel better soon. xx
Allison, So often do I pray for you……and thank you for letting us know your deep concerns, misgivings….and then the ray of understanding the Lord has given you….Perhaps we pray we might bless you, but you indeed bless us!
love you too Vern ..and miss you so much xx
xx love to you all xx
ps lovely to see Justine giving her dad hugs ..we all need hugs ..don`t we??
Hope that Justine is well soon and can go see her Dad. Watched the video of Justine and Vern and it is so sweet. Remember that you have people praying for you all over this country.