Julia left for England today after a 2.5 week stay. I suppose she will be nearly half way there. I just made a cup of tea…drinking it alone just isn’t the same.
Julia came at the perfect time. It was a pretty low-drama couple of weeks for Vernon—other than the odd call from the ER or the multiple times his dialysis bag didn’t arrive with him. I was so grateful to get all the surgeries finished before my friend arrived. It was a great couple of weeks filled with conversation, laughter, tears, adventure, tea and more tea.
But for Julia, it was a sort of working-holiday. Perhaps volunteer vacation? How are those for oxymorons? Though she was here to enjoy her time with me and we did try to take some fun days out, she put herself to work in the house almost as soon as she arrived. She helped me organize boxes, move things into the house from the garage that we hadn’t touched since we moved in last January. She helped organize cupboards. She helped with dinner AND dishes. She even accompanied me to a wedding as photographer’s assistant. We did lots of drawing with and without the kids. She helped me purchase a vacuum cleaner, something I kept failing at on my own (third time was the charm.) She was great with Vernon…let alone every other friend she met. With her British accent and carpet bag, she was a bit like our own personal Mary Poppins, cheerfully sweeping in to get the house in order.
Look how much fun everyone is having washing the car! See what I mean?
She even got Maki into the idea of cooking a meal a week. Here he is making us a breakfast-for-dinner style meal. My favorite.
He was pretty pleased with himself. Long may this continue.
When you invite someone stay with you AND join you in your daily life AND allow them to tidy up around you, its expected they are going to get to know you a lot more than most ever do. But its a wonderful thing to be so accepted as is. She has been such a good friend and guest and I know my secrets are safe. Also its been fun to see our culture again through British eyes. We’ll miss you, Julia.
Tomorrow is Vernon’s Birthday. We’ll be celebrating at Hoag Hospital over a Barium Swallow Test. That would be a major gift if he passes.
We love you Julia Poppins!!!
Praying he passes. Happy you had such a grand time. Cheerio!
I loved reading this, Allie. Man, those kinds of friends are, not only rare in life, but really have the ability to bolster you in every way. And to breathe some new life into us! So happy that you got to spend that time with Julia <3
It was dreamy after all! 😉 had a fantastic time with you Mrs. Julia Poppins.
Lovely to meet her, and good luck old chap!
Glad you and Maki and Justine had a good time with Julia. That kind of visitor is one that you love having in your home. Do hope the test comes out good for Vernon. He still deserves a good test.
Will be praying for family.
Becky Jones
I love Mary Poppins friends! So glad for you, and I know she was eternally blessed doing all she did. Long may maki cook! tell him to look up my overnight/all day soaking French toast recipes on my site – easy and delish, as grandpa would say. xx welcomeheart.com
thank God for good friends – what a blessing Julia was/is!!
Such a great friend! And we will be praying for Vernon to pass the barium swallow test. Love