Vernon was in good spirits and relatively sharp, and though his left arm was still somewhat swollen, he wasn’t complaining of the pain. He remembered the field trip in the night to the ER, though he assured me that it wasn’t his fault, but something that happens when he twists in the night. I could tell it was going to be a good day with him by the way he and Justine related when we first arrived. She has been nervous about him lately, but since he was full of kisses and love, she was able to relax and keep him company on her own for a bit.
One funny story that Joe and Vernon relayed to me: earlier one of the regular visitors to the home mentioned how handsome Vernon looked. “You have excellent eyesight,” was his response. He’d laughed along with them at the joke and remembered it later, even telling me how he could see the recognition of the humor in her face as she “got it.”
Our musician friend Chris Logie’s birthday was yesterday, but he continued celebrating with us today. Not only did the family bring face-paint, instruments, balloons, orgami, and knitting along, but they brought PIE…special soft-filled pies that Vernon could eat: lemon cream and custard. It was a great day. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.
So neat that Vernon is showing his mischievous side with his sense of humor. (That shows some progress!) And what a creative and fun family the Logie’s are. (A lot like yours) They must really brighten up the lives of the people in that place. So thankful that God has brought them into your lives.
Love that traveling family party! And love Vernon’s sense of humor! After all he’s been thru it’s so amazing.
I better just start coming down in Sunday’s 😍
What fun to celebrate someone birthday and they bring it to you at Mesa Verde. How neat are the pix of everyone have a great time. And Vernon was so up and was enjoying the party and everyone who come to visit.
Have a good week.
xx love to you all xx
“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”
Victor Hugo
Ooh my! What a wonderful thing to see Vernon with his eyes alert and smiling so big. That Joe! He must be the angel God sent to Vernon! I pray earnestly and often for Vernon and you, so these pix just made my day. Thank you for your steadfastness…..what a testimony your life is!