The Collins Dictionary defines the word pluviophile as “a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.” It’s a word I can identify with, even though it seems to be a new, made-up kind of word, since I can’t find it listed in any other online dictionary. It was probably made up by fellow rain lovers (or those who love them), but it’s a great word and I don’t mind using it one bit.
It seems El Nino has sent its storms to us at last. I know it’s a huge mess and inconvenience for those who don’t like the rain (or whose property is damaged) but most Californians I know are happy with the novelty, at least. We’ve been in drought it seems forever, so a couple of real storms in a row are pretty exciting. The rain is nicer if you can avoid driving on the freeway, though.
I took yesterday off from seeing Vernon. I avoided the roads. I listened to the rain, I drank hot tea, I made soup, I worked on an art project, I even watched a program. When the kids came home, we went record shopping to spend Maki’s Christmas gift certificate.
I could feel myself being refreshed even as I spent the day indoors. I had no where I needed to be, except for school pickups and drop-offs and a sneak-away to the gym in the evening. Even though we just got out of the holidays, it had felt like a long time since there wasn’t anything I HAD to do.
Maki, still thawing out from a day of being waterlogged at school. He’d gone off yesterday in what we thought was his dad’s waterproof jacket. Lately, whenever Maki needs a new item of clothing, we try to find it in his dad’s stash. A lot of stuff is starting to fit him at this age, he’s even been wearing his dad’s shoes.
Its so nice being together with nothing to do. Funny how the rain lets you feel that way.
I got a call from Lois Bechtle last night, offering to sit with Vernon today. Maki was under the weather after yesterday—literally. So I took another day off from Vernon. And today it rained even harder.
I got a coffee with Sandy, and we ran some small errands. We went to the art supply and a used book store…can you think of a better way to spend a rainy morning? Nor can I!
She found some Pablo Neruda books, and I found the next of the Chronicles of Narnia to read to Vernon (and Justine.)
I worked some more on my latest endeavor, a linocut that I’ve committed to. A little nervous how it will end up, but its very therapeutic as it slows me down and keeps me in one place for more than five minutes. I’ve been on a printmaking jag for a month or so now. It feels good to do something out of my comfort zone. Thanks for the inspiration, mom. I keep thinking I’d like to try my hand at woodcuts too, something I’ve never done.
It just happened that as I was straightening a bookshelf today, I noticed this book of Vernon’s: Letter Carving in Wood by Chris Pine. It struck me that maybe carving is something Vernon could start doing. He’d have to sit at a table (which is something he is only allowed to do with me when I’m at Mesa Verde, which is only twice a week, because of his dialysis schedule.) I happened to pick up a soft rubber block at the art supply this morning that I will bring up tomorrow with my cutting tools. It’s worth a try. After witnessing him unwrap a chocolate coin the other day, I could see a focused ability to use his fingers emerging. It struck me that if he has a reason or a real desire to complete something or at least manipulate something, he puts his focus toward it, despite his disability. I have tried lots of things and then I drop the ball because of his lack of interest or frustration, but then sometimes I forget to have them try them again at a later date. So tomorrow I’ll bring this up. We’ll see if he’s ready for it.
I’m not sure if its going to rain tomorrow. I wouldn’t mind. I’m happy to go out in it. I miss Vernon and I’m curious to see if he’ll be up for this idea. Two days of torrents have washed the blues and fatigue away. I’m ready.
I’m not surprised you are discovering more and more within yourself that you can do to keep loving, healthy, happy, creatively working on new projects. Even loving rain or a storm ….
Your comment “It feels good to do something out of my comfort zone” made me smile … to me you have been living out of your comfort zone for a long time now, ever after Vernon’s accident.
Keep it going Allison, treasuring all those inspiring moments in many circumstances.
Thinking of you and your family and sending you a big hug.
Hi Lidy. I should clarify..if feels good to do something out of my comfort zone…THAT I CHOOSE. That makes much better sense now! 🙂 Happy New Year to you and your lovely family, must be so nice having them all live nearby again.
We know that you are hungry for rain and to see that you love it is great. It is nice to stay indoors and just be quite during a rain. My youngest son just loves the rain along with his wife.
Take care.