
A friend sent this screenshot to me this morning from Vernon’s Google Fonts page. It’s the sample phrase for Vernon’s ‘oxygen’ font So I decided to look at the other sample phrases on his page. I made my own screenshots and then wrote down the phrases as I’d saved them at random. I thought perhaps I could create a poem out of them, moving each phrase around to what felt best. But even as I wrote them down, I could see they were taking on a beautiful poem of their own. This is exactly as I copied them into my notebook. A poem from Vernon via Google Fonts. He is still speaking from the semi-beyond.


My two natures had memory in common.

Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.

The face of the moon was in shadow.

Waves flung themselves the blue evening.


It was going to be a lonely trip back.

A shining crescent far beneath the flying vessel.

Silver mist suffused the deck of the ship.

All of their equipment and instruments are alive.


She stared through the window at the stars.

The spectacle before us was indeed sublime.

The sky was cloudless and of a deep dark blue.

A red flair silhouetted the jagged edge of a wing.

I watched the storm, so beautiful yet terrific.


Then came the night of the first falling star.


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(Pictures found today on Vernon’s Google+ page.)

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