More news of progress! Any day now, Vernon will be transferred to a sub-acute care center. The hospital case-workers have finally found a placement for him. He will be in a relatively close facility in Buena Park, a 45 minute drive away. And he will be transported by ambulance every other day to a dialysis center another 10 miles away from there. I am hoping a new and active routine will provide necessary stimulation. He is ready for the next level.  I am ready for the change too. (Weird. I never realized marriage contained so many parallels till now.) It will be nice to start having a regular schedule. We can begin to plan visits around physical therapy, routine dialysis, etc. A few weeks ago, changing to another facility felt threatening, but now I think we are BOTH stronger.

I’ll be checking in on the new place tomorrow. I’m not sure when he will be moving.

But in the meantime, we continue to decorate the current nest.  Here are some friends bringing in more beautification. Even if he can’t visually see everything yet, I think he knows the love is there. And with a camera always around my neck or my iphone in my hand, at least he can look at the pictures later. (No photo or it didn’t happen, right?)

Isn’t this banner great? Not to mention those smiles?


(He’s not in a coma, just taking a nap.  Sorry Vern, not your most alert look, but I love this picture. You just look so…saintly.))

I know this next note is for him, but it might as well be for me, because in some parallel universe, Eddie Izzard is my best friend. Check it out: a get well card from our (um, MY) favorite comedian/smart guy in the world.  Gosh!  (No, we don’t know him, but a close friend is directing a film with him and he mentioned Vernon’s story. STILL!)



(This is on a page of a script that hasn’t been released yet…thus the blur.)

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