Justine’s kindergarten class is in the midst of a ‘show and tell’ month. Each child was asked to talk about a special person in their life and bring objects, photos, and drawings to help describe him or her. The child would have five minutes to share and answer questions.  Today was Justine’s turn.

She decided to talk about her dad, so yesterday she took a couple of the photos still hanging on Vernon’s wall, then we went home and found some more.  It was interesting to see her choosing the photos of herself with him, even when she was a tiny baby. She chose the pictures of us together, everyone looking so much younger. She chose the pictures of him cuddling her and Maki.  She didn’t want to bring the pictures of Vernon after the accident, even though she still smiled at the ones of them together.

She wasn’t so interested in talking about his job or the accident. She wanted to express how good he was at things (Vespa, bikes, soccer, talking in an English accent) and how much he obviously liked to carry her. I think Vernon would love nothing more than to be remembered for how much he loved his family—especially to be remembered that way by his kids.


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