Vernon HAS  been moved, at long last, but instead of celebrating, I just feel emotional and exhausted. So I will fill you in on the new details about that tomorrow, when I’ll be more ready to process things.

In the meantime, I’ll share a MAKI moment that came up this afternoon.

This is one of Maki’s favorite songs at the moment. (It’s not lost on me how cool it is to have a young teenager in the house who is into music that I also like. I may have 99 problems, but this ain’t one.) As we were listening to the song  on the way home this afternoon, I asked him why he liked it.

“Lots of reasons,” he said. “But the words are brilliant. Here, listen to this part. It reminds me of us.”

He turned up the chorus.

I know that things can really get rough when you go it alone
Don’t go thinking you gotta be tough, to play like a stone
Could be there’s nothing else in our lives so critical
As this little home!

Well this will be a simple song to say what you’ve done
I told you about all those fears and away they did run
You sure must be strong
And you feel like an ocean
Being warmed by the sun

“It even mentions a little home,” he added. “Just like the one we moved into.”

I hear it with new ears now, to think what he hears.  He knows we aren’t doing this alone and that makes so much difference. Maybe its my favorite song now too, just because it’s his.


(I wish I remembered the name of the artist I picked this up from years ago. She never signed it but its been on our walls since I first married Vernon. He was always romantic about the tiny California houses so different to the ones he saw, growing up in England. It’s still on our wall.)



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