I was informed this morning that Vernon would indeed be transferred sometime later today.  Because were out that way on an airport run later in the day (Bon Voyage, Mom and Dad!) Justine and I decided to drop by to check out daddy’s new digs.  Good news is: he will have his own room for a bit.  Bad news: that’s because he is on MRSA isolation again. Though the nurse we spoke to suggested it might be only a few days till the meds kick in, this was sad news for Justine because isolation means that yet again, no children under 12 are allowed into the rooms.  We waited for a couple of hours so we might at least greet him on his arrival, but eventually, we left without seeing him.  Justine was quite sad about this. These rare visits are always special to her.

From what I understand, once he is out of isolation, these guidelines will drop and she’ll be allowed to visit his hospital room, just like her big brother. It is the next big thing we will be looking forward to!

Justine has been on a ‘songwriting’ kick.  Drawing pictures and squiggles in place of letters and words, then reading them out in song. She ‘wrote’ him a couple tunes for me to record for him. I played these for him yesterday and he smiled, obviously touched.  He even finished the line as she sang “chinny, chin, chin.” An unexpected lyric, but worked for him.

Here is a smattering…

“Songwriters write songs, but they really belong to the listener.” —Jimmy Buffett



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