I’m so thankful to be a part of a wonderful church that looks after my family. I truly can’t imagine what these last two years would have looked like if the people of that community hadn’t shown such generosity and care, practically as well as spiritually. This weekend, Heritage is hosting another creative event to bring women together but also to benefit the family. We had so much fun at the last one, I know it’s going to be a lovely morning, connecting and creating—my two favorite things!


Tonight, I’m getting into the zone for this weekend’s event by knocking out some handmade cards. I’ve been thinking about how sometimes the best way to get past a creative block is to do something for someone else (instead of ourselves.) in a purely giving spirit. I think it goes for all sorts of ‘blocks’ in our lives. Anyway, I’m making some cards for some friends.  Then I don’t get caught up in my head whether I’m doing ‘art’ or not…it’s just a gift, nothing to overthink, just a joy. And then, the flow can begin. Funny how that happens.



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