Chris Adams has become the best friend and go-to person of all of us who need news of Vernon’s condition. Chris is a knowledge-hungry guy who asks questions of the doctors, technicians, police…anyone involved with Vernon’s situation. He figures out what’s going on and relays it to us in understandable chunks.

The good news is that Vernon is progressing well. There is less swelling of the brain than they thought and, while it is still draining, even that is within the expected range at this point in the recovery. 

Doctors have scheduled surgery on Vernon’s broken arm for tomorrow, Thursday, at 7:00 a.m. That depends, of course, on how Vernon is doing. Even though he is deeply sedated, moving him to the operating room will cause some stress. If there is any question about Vernon’s ability to tolerate the move and operation, it will be postponed until Friday. They have also scheduled surgery on his jaw for this Friday. 

Pray they can safely do the arm surgery on Thursday and not potentially have two operations on Friday…but only if it is truly safe. Pray that each necessary procedure will be done in the right time and way.  

We are so thankful for your concern and your prayers on Vernon’s behalf. And we thank God for Vernon’s steady progress in the right direction. 

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