Wonder boy,
And the world is joy, every single day.
It’s the real McCoy,
Wonder boy.

Everybody is looking for the sun.
People strain their eyes to see,
But I see you and you see me,
And ain’t that wonder?

(The Kinks)

So with all the friends bringing in personal music therapy every day this week (not to mention all the consistent flow of prayer and love coming in from all of you) it shouldn’t be a wonder that Vernon is making new steps forward.  After two disappointing days of hardly any communication-squeezes, I think he finally tracked my face today.

I  had been worried that he wasn’t able to see anything, as he squeezed my hand “Yes,” last week when I asked if it was dark.  I kept getting that answer from him, and his open eyes often seemed stormy and unfocused.  I would often ask if he could see me or follow my voice, and though his body would try to track with my movement, his eyes stared straight ahead.  I asked his neurosurgeon about it the other day. He told me that there is nothing in Vernon’s brain scans that imply he can’t “see.”

Apparently in Dr. Nwagu’s definition, Vernon has no problem with seeing, which is perceiving light and dark. But he hasn’t been able to TRACK yet…to connect his brain and eyes to an object and recognize it.

 But today he tracked my face!  I know he did. I asked him if he could see me and he squeezed my hand.

And ain’t that wonder?


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