The theme of this weekend was Vernon’s work.

Many of you know that Vernon is a font designer. Over the years, he has done a lot of alphabets for Google Web Fonts.  Because he is a free-lancer, we have been up and down with income, but nothing made him happier than knowing he could do what he loves to provide for the family.  Such is the way of those crazy artistic types, I guess.

He had a really exciting contract about to begin the week after the accident, but obviously that won’t be done within the time allotted for it.  Still, here is DAVE, his long term colleague to the rescue. Dave flew in from New York for the weekend to go through Vernon’s computers, hoping to find some unfinished work he can subcontract or at least monetize. I am so grateful for Dave’s commitment to his old friend.

Here he is, setting up shop in our dining room. The balloon is Justine’s, not his, though we would have welcomed him with balloons if we thought of it. Sorry, Dave.


Chris Adams (Vernon’s brother from another mother and side-business parter) made sure he was looked after as well: with dinner out, a ride to the airport, paddle-boarding (some working weekend, guys!) and of course a visit to Vern’s bedside.  The highlight of any Southern California trip, for sure!

Of course even there, the boys made Vernon work.  (Even on a Saturday. Sheesh!) Here they are getting him to respond to handwritten signs.



Actually he has been moving his thumb (and the rest of his fingers) a lot all weekend.  In fact, he was moving them so much I thought we should start preparing him to go back to work a little himself.  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

The nurse mentioned a previous accident trauma patient who couldn’t move much until he was given his old guitar and then his fingers found their placement immediately. I figured his laptop is where his fingers spent most of their old time, it might be time to introduce them to an old friend.

And so we close the weekend with another quote from our beloved Maya Angelou: “Nothing will work unless you do.”  Work it, Vernon. You are doing great! 

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