Chilling with Vernon

So on a normal day anyone of us might be Chilling with Vern, but as of this morning we are simply Chilling…Vern.

So many of you have probably heard that Vernon has had a bit of a fever over the past 24-48hrs. Allie asked me to throw up a quick post with some information on how they are managing it.

The fever has been reduced from a high of 101.5f with a mix of ice baths, tylenol and other cold water/air treatments.

To explain a bit more in detail. They want to cool Vernon’s core but keep him from shivering. How do they do that?

Underneath this blanket he has the Arctic Sun cold air pads on his legs and chest which circulate cold water (around 40 degrees f) around his body.

Then they keep the Equator (Snuggle Warm) air blanket over his body to keep the external body from shivering. So a mix of cold for the core and warm for the external comfort.

The result of this and Tylenol…99.7f for now and dropping.

Maki’s Turn

Maki’s Turn

Maki’s mother is here and today we are going to take him to visit his dad for the first time. He’s been fascinated by the website and reading posts and comments and looking at the pictures just like many of you have. Of course we have been honestly discussing Vernon’s situation and progress all week, often helped along with that fantastic British sense of humor. And he says he is ready. It’s going to be a special day. I’m really proud of him…this whole ordeal may very well be the thing that makes him a young man. It’s a beautiful (and slightly heartbreaking) thing to watch.

Looking Good!

Looking Good!

Vernon was in surgery longer than we expected this morning but everything went well. Allison says he looks great. No tubes or obvious wires in his face. He is recognizable as the handsome man we love…yes! We are so grateful. It looks like we will have a few days of quiet recovery, allowing Vernon’s body and brain to continue it’s healing process. The next big event will be surgery on Wednesday, June 4, to repair the broken pelvic bones. When there are specifics of that surgery we will post them here. Meanwhile, please continue praying for steady progress toward complete healing. Allison and the kids are doing well with lots of loving support…definitely a silver lining to this scenario.

We are so grateful for this website created just for Vernon. If you want to leave a comment, be sure to click on the title of the blog and you will find the place to respond.

The next surgery

Today, Friday, has been one of rest and recovery between surgeries for our sleeping Vernon. We’ve had a break and now we want to regroup and focus prayer on the surgery and procedures planned for Saturday. According to our personal hospital interface, Chris Adams, there is a four-hour block of time in the operating room scheduled for tomorrow morning beginning at 7 am. During that time the oral surgeon will be repairing Vernon’s jaw. As part of this effort he will also perform a tracheotomy to install a breathing tube, and a feeding tube will be inserted into Vernon’s side that will send food directly to his stomach.

We are seeing steady progress toward recovery but I believe that progress, not to say Vernon’s very life, is the result of focused, concerted and compassionate prayer by friends and even strangers. We believe God will fill in where science and medicine can’t help. Thank you for being part of Vernon’s story, for carrying him while he is sleeping.

Surgery rescheduled

Vernon will have tomorrow to rest before the surgeons begin the substantial repair work on his jaw. Instead of Friday, this is now scheduled for Saturday. Tomorrow we will post the time and other details as we learn them. For those of you who are prayerfully supporting Vernon, we are truly thankful.

Arm Surgery Update

Arm Surgery Update

Just a quick update on Vernon’s arm surgery.

In short, it went very well. Vernon’s ICP (intracranial pressure) remained manageable and the nurse was very happy with his response to the surgery. The left arm was repaired and shouldn’t require any additional procedures in the short term. The picture below is an quick exam of his right arm that looks fine.

Vernon Right Arm Exam