Vernon has seemed pretty out of it the past few days (apparently since Saturday, according to Joe.) In the mornings I’ve been at Dialysis with him, I noticed that he hasn’t been acting as sharp. He’s been very uncomfortable on the chair, though he hasn’t mentioned wanting to die again, thank God. He hadn’t had a PEMF mat treatment for for almost two weeks, which may have been a good thing in that I can tell how much it actually works. I called Mike and he drove up with Justine and I after school this afternoon. Almost immediately when he was on the mat, Vernon perked up. It was quite incredible. I knew that it was working before, and I knew he enjoyed the experience, but I was surprised that within seconds, he seemed to be more comfortable and lucid. It will be interesting to visit him tomorrow and see how he is acting.
Joe has been very concerned about him. He says he hasn’t talked to him since Saturday, that Vernon has been sleeping longer hours again. We thought someone might have slipped him some Ativan in the night. I went to the head nurse and made sure she wrote a note to have the nurses call me EVERY time they are tempted to give it to him. Personally, I’d prefer them not to give it to him ever, as if he has an allergic reaction to the stuff. But they seem to be more comfortable thinking that if he gets aggressive, they have a solution. I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that at all.
Dr. Dan was there and was able to see the PEMF mat working so we will have an order for it when ours arrives. Perhaps if he continues to see good results, he will be able to suggest it as a therapy options for other patients in the future. Dr. Dan also validated Joe as Vernon’s advocate, saying that if he starts acting strange again for a period of time or acts like he is in more pain than usual, he should give him a call immediately. He also talked to the nurses about giving Joe a little more freedom as his friend, allowing him to take him to the group events (like movies in the multipurpose room) which should lift Vernon’s spirits as well as giving Joe the respect he deserves.
The nicest thing was seeing how the longer Vernon was on the mat, Vernon was able to respond emotionally to Justine (and to me.) It was as if I could see his heart being warmed up right in front of us. The love is there…its just gets stuck behind his confusion and discomfort.
It goes both ways…we hope he feels our love. But when we feel his love, we feel better too! It fills us with more than what I’d call hope. In those moments, all the other issues fade away.
“These three remain: faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love.”
I know this to be true.
Dear Allison,
I have followed your incredible blog since its inception and never miss reading it. Responding today with this reminder to make sure Vernon doesn’t have an infection to explain his recent clinical change.
Thanks for that, Anne. I know the doctor is concerned about that too…I believe he is calling for an x-ray to test. But today, thankfully, he was acting better again. He hasn’t had one for awhile, so its easy to forget that could be a possibility. Thanks for your reminder.
Allison bless you, you have been through a lot and this has been a big journey. I like the title of this because I relate to that idea. You know I went to the hospital about a month before Vernon’s accident. A neuron in my brain that connects my inner ear to the rest of my head, got infected and died. I don’t know if you remember me and my walker, well I graduated from that fairly quickly, but then my progress slowed down almost to where it ceased, it happened so slowly, but last week I started jumping rope again. I still have Vertigo almost 24/7 and I feel awful all the time, but I am progressing. One thing I have noticed is that before an advance I get very weak, almost feeble again and then an explosion of energy. It seems linked to how the brain regrows itself. Anyways I hope this is Vernon’s case too. Bless you, Luke
Thanks for that, Luke. Yes, of course, I remember. What a hard year or two it has been for you in many ways…but I’m so thankful you are getting your balance back…May it happen in all areas from here on out! More!
Sooo glad to hear “the mat” is working for Vernon! Even from such a distance I sigh a breath of relief for all.
Your messages make my troubles seem small in comparison. I trust the Lord to give you the additional strength you need as well as your children. May you continue to see progress and hope for Vernon’s condition. May you be filled with the Peace that passes understanding as you must go on and keep a normal life going for your children.
Hi Allison We just got back from a short trip to Jamul where our niece and nephew have a little ranch. They were gone to Kauai so we had the place all to ourselves. We always look forward to your blog as it keeps us so posted on not only Vernon but you and the kids as well. Joe did say Vernon had a hard time holding still and seemed really uncomfortable during dialysis when they were there. We are so glad to hear that the mat makes a difference….God planned for Vernon to be comforted through that. We love you all and pray for your family alot. Big hugs, Nancy and Joe
Dear Allison,
So glad that the mat made him feel so much better and show Justine and you how much he loved you. I know the times are hard but just stick with Vernon and maybe he will come home sooner than we think.
Think about Vernon and you and the kids every day and pray for you as well. My Bible Study is back in session and we will pray for you guys. We love you all.
Becky and Bill Jones