Letter from Vernon’s Mum, Dad & Sister Vanessa
Having seen the beautiful photographs, and comments, regarding the recent Craft Market that Allison entered on her blog, I feel I must send a message relaying the gratitude of Vernon’s family in England to all you wonderful folk who supported this event.
To say a mere “Thank you very much” sounds so inadequate when we think of all the thought, planning, ideas, detail and time that must have gone before the Craft Market could be officially opened.
That you gave your time so willingly to produce such works of art and then allowed them to be sold for the benefit of raising funds for Vernon’s family is such an act of unconditional caring and love.
To add to this you then turned around and put your hands into your pockets and bought so many objects that others had donated.
If only we could have been there with you and joined in the happiness that must have abounded, after so many months of sadness.
We are planning to visit Vernon and his family in March, next year and really hope that we are able to meet some of you then.
Thank you to those of you who are still able to visit our dear son in Hospital. We also thank you all for the Prayers you have said for Vernon throughout these last seven long months, and for the many Prayers that are still being said for his full recovery.
May God Bless you all.
In Love and Light.
Vernon’s family in England
Yes, indeed there are some big-hearted people in our world! Truly grateful!
Made me cry…………Oh Lord complete the work…Heal this lovely man and bring him back to his lovely family so he can sit at that new table…..Prays continue to be lifted…….
Vernons family in England… I don’t know you, only know Allison but it struck me maybe scope to do something over here? I have lots of bits I could donate and am sure many of Vernons and Alison’s friends have things too … I would have loved to have popped by to the sale held in US.. How about a uk fundraiser/ garage/ posh car boot sale ??? I feel like I want to help in some way !
what a fabulous idea. wouldn’t know where to start with organizing something like that. But i love your heart. 🙂
Hello Liz, this is Vern`s sister Vanessa (England) ..i have been thinking about the same thing..but where to start ??? do i start one on line /craft fair /car boot?? i alrady have a dear friend send me a large box of jewellery she has made, which arrived this weekend to get me started…. needs some serious thought , thankyou Liz for expressing this idea on here ..thinking caps on …