Since Vernon’s life doesn’t seem as endangered this week, I find myself trying hard to make up for lost time, creatively, even though I still need to drive up to see him most days. Maybe its because I have another Creativity Event on the near horizon (link coming soon!) or because I went to that writer’s workshop last weekend. Maybe its just finding the personal balance. Though I like caregiving more than I ever would have expected, I don’t ONLY want to be a caregiver. Identity is especially important to artist-types, or so I’ve been told, so here is fighting for more than.
I enjoyed taking notes of what I heard around me so much the other day that I brought my notebook with me again today, hoping to work on another poem, whilst Vernon got his PEMF Therapy on the mat. I also brought a bunch of paint-pens, just in case it would be easier to make a painting.
I wrote a lot of notes, overcome with ideas, and had this fantastic poem in my head, but it seems there was no time to sort my thoughts before it was time to turn around and pick up Justine from her very-short Kindergarten morning. The problem is…most of my ideas come when I’m driving…and by the time I stop again, someone requires my time or I simply get too distracted to get back to my original impetus. (I actually drove off before collecting the milkshake I ordered through the MacDonald’s Drive-Thru for Vernon today…that should give you some idea of how distractible I am.) It’s almost like I have too many ideas and no ability to release them completely.
My big plan was to collect my thoughts this afternoon. But of course there was a Late-Owls get together at the park that I couldn’t miss (and I’m glad I didn’t!)
By the time Maki came home from school, I’d pretty much given up. It was clear that whatever great poem was to emerge from the day was very unlikely to ever happen. The writer’s workshop inspiration would have to catch up on another day, if it really wanted to bless me with it’s power.
I sat down to write at the kitchen table, hoping to consolidate a couple of ideas I’d jotted in my notebook earlier. Justine wanted to be near me, so she claimed half the surface space for her play-doh kitchen. I couldn’t concentrate with her chatter, so I pulled out the bag of paint pens I’d packed earlier and joined her creative space. Maki walked into the room after finishing his homework: “I want to paint too.”
And so we came together in this tiny dining room, together apart. Each doing our own thing in the same space, enriched.
God bless this mess.
Shortly after…Maki went off to learn a Pixies song on his guitar. He is inspired to practice by his new teacher that he started with yesterday. And Justine, hearing him move into the living room, in true Alpha Dog fashion, began figuring out “Call Me Maybe” on the keyboard.
I never did write that great poem. I never started the painting that has been brewing in my mind. But this afternoon, I was not “Caregiver”…I was the artist mama-bird, watching the babies take joy in practicing their flight-tools. And look at that…somehow, I got a blog post in too!
At the end of the day, I have to say, I feel fulfilled…who cares what I have to show for it!
Everyone should find some “creative time” in their day.. even Lewis is now bringing home art homework these days(seems like every day) .. it is great to sit and be creative together..i can help with the art ..but maths and science … (move over Paul, it is your turn!!)..LOVE , LOVE the photos you have shared .. so lovely to see you all sat round being creative together ..being the only creative one in my house ..i create on my own ..but spread it out all over the conservatory and lounge..just so they all feel included!!
maybe your poem will come to you another day ..enjoy your creative time
love to you all xx can you give vern a big hug from me xx
ps great to hear vern is better .. doesn`t Maki`s hand look like his dads??..they are just like my grandads hands…..
ps.. was this day last year paul and i were travelling out to be with you all.. we so tried to do it this year ..just didn`t happen xx
HI Vanessa! Well, it will be good for Lewis to do more artwork! And you are there to help encourage him. I know Aaron used to play a lot of music at home…so in that way, there are other creative souls in the house, if I remember correctly. Thankfully I haven’t had to help with the math lately…I send Maki out when I know he has a math test coming…there are other teachers and encouragers better than me! 🙂 So glad you have a good mix to draw from in your house. 🙂
yep ..there is always music somewhere playing in our house pleased to see Maki playing the guitar , must hear him play soon??
night night xx
just because he plays, it doesn’t mean he plays to be heard. eventually, maybe. I don’t get to hear it much, but i make sure he takes time to practice if he isn’t doing it on his own. This stuff costs money, I have to protect my investment, right? 🙂 He’s inspired at the moment, which is good. But we talked tonight about having to push through the boring stuff and the pieces that you don’t like in order to get a few that you feel satisfied by. It’s a journey.
Enjoy the process, that’s all its about. I have found that when i have ideas when driving i have my mob near with voice recorder on pause and just hit record when inspiration hits. The next problem is finding time to go over what you have recorded but at least its captured. I love the work you all produced, great idea to buy painting pens. xx
i know what you mean. my phone has a recorder too, but I hate hearing my own voice later. I guess its time to get past that. Its so strange to have all these ideas in the drive between and then as soon as I part, its GO! Onto something else. But I’m starting to write notes in my notebook for later…and i think the recorder may be the next step. Also revisiting the past work. IT’s daunting, isn’t it?
Sounds like a wonderfully normal day in the life of an artist-mama. Lovely baby-birds, too. 🙂
hi Artist Mama. as you know, you gotta make sure you get your creative medicine, even if it means staying up all night. Doesn’t matter how it comes, as long as it does!
Good to hear about you and the babies doing different things at the same time. You are accomplishing so much even tho Vern is still in the nursing home. Maybe he will get out sometime soon. Is there any chance of him coming home any time soon? Is he still exited about going to your Dad ad Mom’s at Christmas? That will be one great Christmas for Vern and the rest of the family. Keep up the good work and stay by Vern’s side and nurse him back to health.
Thank you for sharing all this. It’s all so beautiful! Love your bird and Maki’s painting, and Justine’s sculpting.
The poem and your ideas for it are developing in your mind even if you don’t get it down. Those thoughts in the car will shape something some time down the line. Big hug