In a creative rut the past couple of days, I’ve returned to the task of sorting out the garage. Julia got me started last month, but there are boxes I have been putting off going through. Yesterday, I boxed up most of Vernon’s books to give away, separating the typography books (all 7 or 8 boxes full) from the others, mostly books about art, cycling, coding, and spirituality. Dave, his type colleague, offered to help organize a donation of all his antique type catalogs to a typographer’s library in New York.
Among other things, I found a spare helmet…
Some seeds. I’d nearly forgotten about the herb gardener he liked to play at.
More shoes. Maki’s already nabbed the yellows.
We’ve been hoarding these things in the garage and on our shelves for so long. They won’t be needed by Vernon anymore so I welcome the next round of letting things go. They are just things but they symbolize so many of the areas of the life he had when he was with us.
I also stumbled upon a box of letters from the mid 1990’s, those last years before the internet and email. I decided to keep most of them…perhaps one rainy day I’ll take the time to read them all again.
Relics of another lifetime. Remnants of who I once was…and wanted to be. Proof that I ever lived in these places.
As it is, I’ve forgotten a lot of the details. But just in case I wanted them, I also found a couple boxes of old journals.
I must have thought they were worth storing all those years. I thumbed through some of them and realized I didn’t WANT to read any more. All the working out of thoughts, all the worries, etc. I no longer related to them. Or maybe I didn’t want anyone else reading them one day…so I threw them all out without any extra hesitation. Goodbye.
However, when I couldn’t find the box of love letters that I’d collected from Vernon over the early years of our relationships. I began to panic. How could I have held on to letters from 20 years ago, but not something as important as those? I thought I’d looked everywhere (though there are a few boxes of clothes I’ve yet to attack.) When did I last see them? What if they hadn’t survived one of the four major house moves of the past three years?
My mom says not to worry, that they will show up. Another friend stated: “they are there.” I am adopting their confidence and not worrying about it anymore. If they are meant to, they’ll show up. Maybe right now, its just not the time to find them.
In the meantime, an old favorite song…
allison is there anything you can keep for me ..i would love somethings of my brothers too..i`m sure there will be things that mean so much for my memories of my brother i would love to keep and cherish..i`m sure my parents would love some things too
xx love to you , and the biggest hugs to my brother ..i wish i could be over there and be with him on days you cannot xx
Of course, but I’m only getting rid of his books. Is that something you are interested in? I believe he may have a lot of things still in your parent’s attic? I have some cycling gear and clothes, a bunch of computer stuff?
thank you allison there anything you think he may like us to have ..the boys would love something of their uncles..the boys love all computer things (as you know)..aaron starts on job training with computers soon ..and lewis loves programming!!
ps mum and dad are looking into coming over soon ..they are finding getting travel insurance difficult ….
again to you all xx
Cleaning out is both good and sad. Maki will probably enjoy his Dad’s shoes. And love letters I think we have some of those around here. And we are working on 57 years of marriage. Some things you don’t want to get rid of. Bless you heart as you do this and get ready for Spring.
I was checking out the old posts from my previous visits and came across this…. oh no, I thought, the recent post was EMAILS shared when you met…. not the paper letters!! They must have been lost!
I have all my parents’ letters – since they met, my dad was always working away on a ship, before they had fancy internet phones, and my mum was a dedicated diarist since she was little more than Justine’s age until she passed!
But then I found the post where you said you found them!!! 🙂